Shenendehowa Wrangle on the Plains
September 28, 2015


Shenendehowa is hosting a unique tournament opportunity on January 22 & 23.

The Wrangle has been created to give all wrestlers on a team the most appropriate level of competition. One tournament will cater to the elite wrestler who is looking to compete against the best wrestlers in his weight class. At the same time, the other tournament will cater to the Varsity Wrestlers who may not be the elite, but are the backbone of the team! Providing this setting will give programs the opportunity to travel to a Varsity Tournament (with their full team) and get the best level of competition for ALL of their wrestlers. While the ELITE tournament should have arguably the best wrestlers our State has to offer, the BACKBONE tournament will be packed with members of the team who are striving for greatness.

17 teams already committed!

Contact Coach Rob Weeks:

Also see ARMDRAG w/ FLYER.
