Crossing Over: Gabe Dean On Why He's Choosing Greco
June 30, 2017


After recently finishing up his stellar collegiate career at Cornell, Gabe Dean was certainly not a man without options. The two-time NCAA Division I National champ and four-time All-American jumped back into freestyle in April for the first time since his run on the Junior World Team in 2014, placing seventh at the US Open — not bad considering the time off from Senior competition along with the cavalcade of assassins who were present at 86 kilograms in Vegas.

The line of thinking was that Dean, the wrestler with jump-off-the-page gifts which spring to life whenever he is on a mat (any mat, as it were) would ply his trade further into the freestyle realm, pay his dues, and see what shook out by the time Tokyo in 2020 comes around.

That's still the plan.

Sort of.

Just remove the freestyle part of the equation.
