◀ 1919-1920 ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ 1921-1922 ▶
1920-1921 Cornell University Big Red
  ★ ★ ★ ★ ★  
Head Coach: Walter C. O'Connell
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1920-1921 Cornell Big Red
WRESTLING. At the beginning of the season, the prospects for a winning team were excellent since over 160 men had registered for the sport. Due to early season injuries to veterans Beam and Maier, however, six of the seven positions were later filled by green men. In spite of this handicap, Coach O'Donnell succeeded in producing one of the strongest teams of the Intercollegiate League. SOURCE: The Cornellian and Class Book, 1921. Click for larger image.


Alfred William Snedeker