Growing Up Country: Colt Cotten's rural upbringing defines his style as a wrestler and his substance as a man
December 19, 2016


Colt Cotten could easily have been a statistic, another kid from a single-parent, low-income family who never fulfilled his potential. But something drives Cotten each day to try to be the best man he can be: the fact that his father wasn't.

"Whenever I thought about doing something stupid, even now, I say 'Don't be like him,'" says Cotten, a senior wrestler whose goal is to win a national championship come March. If he succeeds, his mother, Fawn, and grandfather, Robert Yerger, will be there to congratulate him. Cotten's father won't have a clue. Rodney Lawrence Simpson has been in jail since shortly after Cotten was born. (Fawn gave her son the surname of an ex-husband instead of taking Simpson's.)
