Tech Grapplers Score Over East
March 05, 1924


Fights Mar Championship Bout at Monroe Junior

Democrat and Chronicle, Rochester, NY
Wednesday, March 5, 1924

Full Text: Copyright © 1924 Rochester Democrat and Chronicle.
Reproduced by with permission.

Fights and scuffles marred the Tech-East High wrestling bouts at Monroe Junior High Last night, excitement running at a fever height for a time when large delegations of the student bodies of the two schools rushed out on the floor following a mishap in which Referee Ward Sidell was struck successively by Will Paine, who wrestled for the Orientals in the 158 pound class, and his father, following the awarding of the decision to Walter Bausch, who opposed him. Police intervention was necessary to quell the disturbance, after which the matches proceeded with Tech outscoring the East Siders to cop the city championship, 26 to 16.

Most of the trouble started when Bausch downed young Paine and touched his shoulders to the mat near the end of their bout. Paine immediately rose and struck Referee Sidell, while Paine's father rushed out from the sidelines and took a hand in the fracas. Students of the two schools immediately took sides and a free-for-all fight ensued for a few moments until the police intervened. Another disturbance occurred at the end of the matches when Coach Peter McKay of East High struck Referee Sidell when the latter was attempting to explain a decision to the former. Spectators intervened to end the trouble.

One of the best bouts of the program was the 158 pound match, in which Paine, of East and Bausch of Technical, were the contenders. The match was even most of the way, but after ten minutes of hard wrestling the East High man finally fell victim to body scissors, and Bausch pinned his shoulder to the mat. Elmer K. Smith, physical director of the Rochester public schools, will investigate the squabble.

Johnny Kress and Bill Meyers, captains of Technical and East High Schools respectively, put on a good match in the 147 pound class. Kress looked to have the better of the match at the start but Meyers came back strong in the final minutes and earned a judge's decision.
