Chautauqua Lake design committee announces final two nickname options
October 09, 2023


The CL Design Committee is excited to announce that the selection of a new school nickname is nearing its conclusion. After a thorough process of brainstorming and careful consideration, the committee has successfully narrowed down the choices to two final options: Eagles and Navigators. The CL Design Committee worked diligently to select a new nickname that truly captures the essence of our district's values and aspirations and can serve as a symbol of pride for our community.

On Tuesday, October 10th, all students will have the opportunity to cast their votes and determine the school's new identity.

To facilitate this important decision, students will be provided with sample imagery for each of the two nickname options. This imagery will allow them to envision how each choice aligns with the school's values, spirit, and character. Secondary students will vote through a Google Form and Elementary students will cast their votes on paper ballots.

We believe that these options, Eagles and Navigators, both embody the qualities and characteristics that represent our school community.

Following the student vote, the final choice will be presented to the Board of Education on Wednesday, October 11th, 2023. We eagerly await their approval and look forward to adopting our new nickname.

We want to extend our heartfelt gratitude to all students, staff, parents, and community members who have been part of this exciting process. Your participation and enthusiasm have been invaluable, and we are confident that the chosen nickname will serve as a source of pride and inspiration for generations to come.
