★ ★ ★ ★ ★ Meet History
9th Annual Rochester Interscholastic League Wrestling Championships
April 20, 1931 @ Benjamin Franklin High School (Rochester, New York)
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High School Wrestling Champions Will Be Crowned This Afternoon
Champion wrestlers of the city high schools will be crowned this afternoon when 18 matmen clash in the finals of nine weight classes at the Benjamin Franklin High boys gymnasium. Ten members of Tech High's squad, winners of the Interscholastic League title, will be competing for individual honors today. Two of the events--the 112-pound class and the and the 135-pound division--will be all-Shopman events. SOURCE: Rochester Democrat and Chronicle, Monday, April 20, 1931. Reproduced by armdrag.com with permission. Click for larger image.

Slideshow: Democrat & Chronicle

Slideshow: The Times-Union


Team Final

Edison Tech (Rochester) 6, Monroe (Rochester) 2, West High (Rochester) 1, Charlotte (Rochester) 0, East High (Rochester) 0, Franklin (Rochester) 0, Marshall (Rochester) 0

Championship Final (1st)

105  Milton Dibble (MR) > Norman Hall (WHR) fall 4:17
112  Harold Taylor (ETR) > Frank DiBenedetto (ETR) time advantage decision 2:11
118  Sam Polis (ETR) > Joseph Caccamise (EHR) fall 7:27
126  John Defrancisco (MR) > Mike Bulavinetz (ETR) time advantage decision 3:37
135  Ernest Houle (ETR) > Thomas Polis (ETR) fall 8:26
147  Frank Spronza (ETR) > Joseph Vollo (EHR) time advantage decision 5:45
160  Frank Reddy (ETR) > Fred Lawrence (EHR) fall 9:28
175  Jerry DePrez (ETR) > Edwin Yaw (EHR) time advantage decision 5:45
UNL  Gene DePrez (WHR) > Ray Schroeder (ETR) fall 2:11

Championship Semifinals

105  Norman Hall (WHR) > Mike Madalena (ETR) time advantage decision 2:24
105  Milton Dibble (MR) > Manuele (EHR) time advantage decision 1:25
112  Harold Taylor (ETR) > Jack Leone (FR) fall 5:20
112  Frank DiBenedetto (ETR) > Edward Aratari (EHR) fall 4:22
118  Joseph Caccamise (EHR) > George Rice (ETR) time advantage decision 4:27
118  Sam Polis (ETR) > Salerno (FR) default
126  John Defrancisco (MR) > Bob Ruppenthal (FR) OTA 2:01 (1OT)
126  Mike Bulavinetz (ETR) > Anthony Cocuzzi (WHR) time advantage decision 3:30
135  Ernest Houle (ETR) > James Gala (WHR) OTA 1:18 (1OT)
135  Thomas Polis (ETR) > Chuck Geyer (FR) time advantage decision 1:08
147  Joseph Vollo (EHR) > Willard Wright (CR) time advantage decision 1:41
147  Frank Spronza (ETR) > Dawson (MR) time advantage decision 3:37
160  Frank Reddy (ETR) > Frank Jenner (WHR) time advantage decision 1:15
160  Fred Lawrence (EHR) > Claude Wright (EHR) fall 1:28
175  Jerry DePrez (ETR) > Romer (ETR) time advantage decision 1:43
UNL  Ray Schroeder (ETR) > Pete Johnson (FR) OTA 3:14 (1OT)
UNL  Gene DePrez (WHR) > Sayer (CR) fall 5:48


Comments (9th Annual Rochester Interscholastic League Wrestling Championships)