★ ★ ★ ★ ★ Meet History
Wyoming County Wrestling Championships
February 18, 1957 - February 20, 1957 @ Warsaw Central School (Warsaw, New York)
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Perrys Bob Green Pins His Mat Rival In Just 26 Seconds
Bob Green of Perry won in 26 seconds and Gerry Barlow of Letchworth won in 32 seconds in the Wyoming County scholastic wrestling semi-finals. SOURCE: Buffalo Evening News, February 19, 1957. Reproduced by armdrag.com with permission. Click for larger image.



Arcade, Attica, Letchworth, Perry, Warsaw

Championship Final (1st)

 95  John Adrian (Perry) > Don Tucker (Letchworth) decision
103  David Burg (Attica) > Philip Mucher (Letchworth) decision
112  Manfred Wolcott (Attica) > Roger Salamone (Warsaw) fall
120  Jim Royce (Attica) > Al Carpenter (Letchworth) decision
127  Charles Bailey (Perry) > Jared Barlow (Letchworth) decision
133  Robert Green (Perry) > James Madison (Letchworth) decision
138  William Miller (Letchworth) > Dick McNally (Warsaw) decision
145  Jim Kennedy (Perry) > Dave Cox (Letchworth) decision
154  Leonard LoVerde (Perry) > Bob Hopkins (Arcade) decision
165  Ken Smith (Letchworth) > Louis Rozanski (Perry) referee's decision
175  David Weiss (Letchworth) > Don Bennion (Perry) decision
HWT  Harold Kemp (Letchworth) > Bob Fillion (Arcade) decision 11-10

Championship Semifinals

 95  John Adrian (Perry) > Ted Bosworth (Arcade) decision
 95  Don Tucker (Letchworth) > Dick Williams (Warsaw) decision
103  David Burg (Attica) > John Hayes (Warsaw) fall
103  Philip Mucher (Letchworth) > Dave Milhollen (Perry) fall
112  Manfred Wolcott (Attica) > Warren Bailey (Letchworth) decision
112  Roger Salamone (Warsaw) > Larry Davis (Perry) default
120  Jim Royce (Attica) > Nunzio Cicero (Perry) fall
120  Al Carpenter (Letchworth) > Jim Killion (Arcade) decision
127  Jared Barlow (Letchworth) > Clarence Newell (Arcade) fall
127  Charles Bailey (Perry) > Tom Smith (Attica) fall
133  Robert Green (Perry) > Dennis Walrod (Arcade) fall
133  James Madison (Letchworth) > John Appleby (Warsaw) fall
138  William Miller (Letchworth) > Larry McClurg (Perry) decision
138  Dick McNally (Warsaw) > Bob Fitzgerald (Attica) decision
145  James Kennedy (Perry) > Dick Winch (Arcade) fall
145  Dave Cox (Letchworth) > Donald Nourse (Warsaw) decision
154  Leonard LoVerde (Perry) > Dave Shearing (Letchworth) decision
154  Bob Hopkins (Arcade) > Russ Eck (Warsaw) decision
165  Louis Rozanski (Perry) > Lavern Farr (Warsaw) fall
165  Ken Smith (Letchworth) > Paul Spink (Attica) decision
175  David Weiss (Letchworth) > Hubert Koch (Arcade) fall
175  Don Bennion (Perry) > George Taylor (Warsaw) fall
HWT  Bob Fillion (Arcade) > Gary Crawford (Warsaw) fall
HWT  Harold Kemp (Letchworth) > Dave Korytkowski (Attica) fall


Comments (Wyoming County Wrestling Championships)