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The Time is Now for Yianni D


Shortly after Cornell's Yianni Diakomihalis and Kyle Dake won their Final X matchups in New York in June, the Big Red program hosted a reception to celebrate the achievements of all their former and current wrestlers who made world teams. Coach Mike Grey proudly relayed that Diakomihalis and Dake would compete in the senior world championships, then added that Diakomihalis, Vito Arujau and Jacob Cardenas also made the U23 world team.

Diakomihalis raised an eyebrow at the first mention of being on both teams, but he held onto that thought for a couple days until he got Grey one-on-one. What started as an inadvertent slip turned into a legitimate idea and later a concrete plan for Diakomihalis to wrestle at Senior Worlds in September and U23s in October, which is what he plans to do.

The Time is Now for Yianni D


Shortly after Cornell's Yianni Diakomihalis and Kyle Dake won their Final X matchups in New York in June, the Big Red program hosted a reception to celebrate the achievements of all their former and current wrestlers who made world teams. Coach Mike Grey proudly relayed that Diakomihalis and Dake would compete in the senior world championships, then added that Diakomihalis, Vito Arujau and Jacob Cardenas also made the U23 world team.

Diakomihalis raised an eyebrow at the first mention of being on both teams, but he held onto that thought for a couple days until he got Grey one-on-one. What started as an inadvertent slip turned into a legitimate idea and later a concrete plan for Diakomihalis to wrestle at Senior Worlds in September and U23s in October, which is what he plans to do.

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