Please register as soon as possible - Registration ends at 9:30 AM on July 13th!
- 4 man scramble - 18 Holes with a Cart - Shot-Gun start @ 10:00 AM
- Closest to the Pin & Longest drive contests (4 awards)
- Mulligan's and Team Skins game
- 50/50 Raffle - Cash payouts to all the lucky WINNERS
- Awards presented to the Top 3 Teams, as well as the last place Team
- Donuts & Coffee during Team registration
- All Day & All You Can EAT - Pavilion Style, available at the turn:
- Hot Dogs, Hamburgers, Italian Sausage, Beverages
- Beverages also on the Course
- Buffet dinner after play, including, Rigatoni, Salt Potatoes, Steak, Chicken, Tossed Salad, Fresh Fruit, Soda & Beer.
- Door prizes, lots of laughs, and a nice relaxing day in the sun!
- Hole sponsors are encouraged, please contact Jim Sauberan at 585-233-4793 to make arrangements.
- Door Prize Donations are also NEEDED, please contact Jim Sauberan @ 585-233-4793 to arrange donation drop off or bring them with you on the 13th.
Venmo Account available: FOW Section Five Wrestling
Every cent raised goes right back to our kids involved in Section V Wrestling.
32nd annual Section V Friends of Wrestling GOLF TOURNAMENT, July 13
32nd annual Section V Friends of Wrestling GOLF TOURNAMENT, July 13
Please register as soon as possible - Registration ends at 9:30 AM on July 13th!
- 4 man scramble - 18 Holes with a Cart - Shot-Gun start @ 10:00 AM
- Closest to the Pin & Longest drive contests (4 awards)
- Mulligan's and Team Skins game
- 50/50 Raffle - Cash payouts to all the lucky WINNERS
- Awards presented to the Top 3 Teams, as well as the last place Team
- Donuts & Coffee during Team registration
- All Day & All You Can EAT - Pavilion Style, available at the turn:
- Hot Dogs, Hamburgers, Italian Sausage, Beverages
- Beverages also on the Course
- Buffet dinner after play, including, Rigatoni, Salt Potatoes, Steak, Chicken, Tossed Salad, Fresh Fruit, Soda & Beer.
- Door prizes, lots of laughs, and a nice relaxing day in the sun!
- Hole sponsors are encouraged, please contact Jim Sauberan at 585-233-4793 to make arrangements.
- Door Prize Donations are also NEEDED, please contact Jim Sauberan @ 585-233-4793 to arrange donation drop off or bring them with you on the 13th.
Venmo Account available: FOW Section Five Wrestling
Every cent raised goes right back to our kids involved in Section V Wrestling.