The home of Western New York Wrestling since 2001
Western New York Wrestling
WNY Wrestling

American International College [MA] vs. Clarion University [PA]

Hudson Valley Community College

Troy, NY
Nov 24, 2007

Varsity - NCAA Division I and II

Dual Meet

                    Clarion University  56, American International College 0
125 Jay Ivanco (CU) > Carlos Lara (AIC) fall 1:12
133 Tony Lascari (CU) > James Chenault (AIC) fall 3:11
141 Sal Lascari (CU) > Sam Gauvine (AIC) fall 3:47
149 Hadley Harrison (CU) forfeit
157 Travis Uncapher (CU) > Martin Thompson Jr (AIC) fall 3:51
165 David Cox (CU) > John Mulinix (AIC) fall 1:42
174 Mario Morelli (CU) > Nick Laurino (AIC) major decision 14-6
184 Scott Joseph (CU) > Yaakov Bloch (AIC) fall 6:12
197 Dixon Jordan (CU) > Morgan Wanzer (AIC) major decision 14-3
285 Roman Husam (CU) > Dan Dalle-Molle (AIC) fall 4:19
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