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WNY Wrestling

1st Annual Campbell-Savona Snowed-Out Duals

Campbell-Savona High School

Campbell, New York
Jan 24, 2014 - Jan 25, 2014






                                                                  Participating Teams
Batavia Notre Dame [NY] Campbell-Savona [NY] Chenango Valley [NY] Geneva [NY] Horseheads [NY] Jasper-Troupsburg [NY] Victor [NY] Watkins Glen [NY]
1. Victor (7-0)
2. Horseheads (6-1)
3. Watkins Glen (5-2)
4. Chenango Valley (3-4)
5. Geneva (3-4)
6. Campbell-Savona (2-5)
7. Jasper-Troupsburg (1-6)
8. Batavia Notre Dame (0-7)

                      Round 1
Horseheads 90, Batavia Notre Dame 0
 99 Tim McCarthy (Horseheads) forfeit
106 Wesley Woodworth (Horseheads) forfeit
113 Alex Kellar (Horseheads) forfeit
120 Dylan Kellar (Horseheads) forfeit
126 Dylan Derr (Horseheads) forfeit
132 Abiem O'Brien (Horseheads) forfeit
138 Jeremy Ernst (Horseheads) forfeit
145 Dustin Whitesell (Horseheads) > Jimmy Zick (BND) fall 3:15
152 James Eastman (Horseheads) forfeit
160 Chris Lavallee (Horseheads) > Joey Zick (BND) fall 1:52
170 Ladarron Tutton (Horseheads) forfeit
182 Alex Wheeler (Horseheads) forfeit
195 Brian Perez (Horseheads) forfeit
220 Nate Fayerweather (Horseheads) forfeit
285 David Zinck (Horseheads) forfeit
Watkins Glen 48, Chenango Valley 40
 99 Caleb Wiggins (CV) > Trevor Walter (WG) fall 1:45
106 Jake Lehr (CV) > Caleb Smith (WG) fall 1:13
113 Dalton Cummings (WG) forfeit
120 Brandon Gould (WG) forfeit
126 Brandon Lockwood (CV) > Bradley Eslick (WG) fall 0:48
132 John Brown (WG) forfeit
138 Andrew Specht (WG) forfeit
145 Steve Ayoward (CV) > Charlie Wright (WG) fall 1:32
152 Nicholas Cocola (WG) > Jack Riegal (CV) fall 1:04
160 Nick Pert (CV) > Dean Laughlin (WG) fall 0:18
170 Robert Woodward (CV) > Casey Falls (WG) fall 0:57
182 Ian Chedzoy (WG) > Bryan Pert (CV) fall 3:42
195 Reed Grunder (CV) > Dustin Goltry (WG) major decision 8-0
220 Cole Saunders (WG) forfeit
285 Colton Arcangeli (WG) forfeit
Victor 72, Campbell-Savona 6
 99 Alex Samson (Victor) > Daniel McLaughlin (CS) fall 0:41
106 Jamie Dattilo (Victor) forfeit
113 Michael Venosa (Victor) forfeit
120 Kevin Marcano (Victor) > Ethan Hall (CS) decision 4-1
126 Joel Rosko (CS) > Christopher Gleason (Victor) fall 1:10
132 Tristan Ierlan (Victor) > John Topf (CS) decision 6-1
138 Stergios Hetelekides (Victor) > Geoff Hargrave (CS) decision 8-3
145 John Garbeck (Victor) > Paul Sheerer (CS) technical fall 4:47 15-0
152 Jordan Bauer (Victor) forfeit
160 Tyler Bishop (Victor) > Cyrano Buda (CS) major decision 10-0
170 Kyle Collins (Victor) > Austin Sanford (CS) fall 1:42
182 Andrew Alverman (Victor) forfeit
195 Ben Klei (Victor) > Brad Robert (CS) fall 0:28
220 Ryan Flaitz (Victor) > Matt Clark (CS) fall 0:45
285 Mike Martin (Victor) forfeit
Geneva 48, Jasper-Troupsburg 36
106 Andrew Williams-McIntyre (Geneva) > Darren Ross (JT) fall 5:24
113 Dakohta Button (JT) > Quentin Dandridge (Geneva) fall 2:48
120 Jesse Trumbul (JT) forfeit
126 Justin Lapham (JT) > Sam Alexander (Geneva) fall 2:40
132 Isaiah Johnson (Geneva) > Nolan Lubberts (JT) fall 3:43
138 Kolton Hawkins (JT) forfeit
145 Ivan Stone (JT) forfeit
152 Josh O'Neil (JT) > Chris Laird (Geneva) fall 1:43
160 Devin Hathaway (Geneva) forfeit
170 Sean Johnson (Geneva) forfeit
182 Xavier Pierre (Geneva) forfeit
195 Darnell Parker (Geneva) > Austin Brown (JT) fall 3:18
220 Christian Shepherd (Geneva) > Justin Calkins (JT) fall 1:54
285 Alex Gonzalez (Geneva) forfeit

                      Round 2
Victor 57, Geneva 22
 99 Alex Samson (Victor) forfeit
106 Jamie Dattilo (Victor) > Andrew Williams-McIntyre (Geneva) fall 3:00
113 Jack Kumpf (Victor) forfeit
120 Michael Venosa (Victor) > Sam Alexander (Geneva) fall 3:48
126 Chris Gleason (Victor) forfeit
132 Tristan Ierlan (Victor) forfeit
138 Stergios Hetelekides (Victor) forfeit
145 John Garbeck (Victor) forfeit
152 Jordan Bauer (Victor) forfeit
160 Devin Hathaway (Geneva) > Tyler Bishop (Victor) decision 3-1
170 Kyle Collins (Victor) > Sean Johnson (Geneva) decision 7-2
182 Xavier Pierre (Geneva) > Andrew Alverman (Victor) SV 5-3 (1OT)
195 Darnell Parker (Geneva) > Ryan Flaitz (Victor) major decision 14-3
220 Christian Shepherd (Geneva) > Ben Klei (Victor) fall 4:25
285 Alex Gonzalez (Geneva) > Mike Martin (Victor) fall 4:15
Chenango Valley 47, Jasper-Troupsburg 30
106 Caleb Wiggins (CV) > Darren Ross (JT) fall 0:30
113 Jake Lehr (CV) > Dakohta Button (JT) fall 0:33
120 Brandon Lockwood (CV) > Jesse Trumbul (JT) technical fall 5:57 16-1
126 Justin Lapham (JT) forfeit
132 Nolan Lubberts (JT) forfeit
138 Kolton Hawkins (JT) forfeit
145 Steve Ayoward (CV) > Ivan Stone (JT) fall 2:25
152 Josh O'Neil (JT) > Jack Riegal (CV) fall 2:27
160 Nick Pert (CV) forfeit
170 Robert Woodward (CV) forfeit
182 Reed Grunder (CV) forfeit
195 Bryan Pert (CV) > Austin Brown (JT) fall 1:35
220 Justin Calkins (JT) forfeit
Watkins Glen 78, Batavia Notre Dame 12
 99 Trevor Walter (WG) forfeit
106 Caleb Smith (WG) forfeit
113 Dalton Cummings (WG) forfeit
120 Brandon Gould (WG) forfeit
126 Bradley Eslick (WG) forfeit
132 John Brown (WG) forfeit
138 Andrew Specht (WG) forfeit
145 Nicholas Cocola (WG) forfeit
152 Jimmy Zick (BND) > Charlie Wright (WG) fall 2:43
160 Joey Zick (BND) > Dean Laughlin (WG) fall 3:09
170 Andrew Brown (WG) forfeit
182 Ian Chedzoy (WG) forfeit
195 Dustin Goltry (WG) forfeit
220 Cole Saunders (WG) forfeit
285 Colton Arcangeli (WG) forfeit
Horseheads 60, Campbell-Savona 27
 99 Daniel McLaughlin (CS) > Tim McCarthy (Horseheads) decision 7-0
106 Wesley Woodworth (Horseheads) forfeit
113 Hunter Grantier (Horseheads) forfeit
120 Alex Kellar (Horseheads) > Ethan Hall (CS) fall 5:19
126 Joel Rosko (CS) forfeit
132 John Topf (CS) > Abiem O'Brien (Horseheads) fall 0:36
138 Geoff Hargrave (CS) > Jeremy Ernst (Horseheads) fall 4:46
145 Dustin Whitesell (Horseheads) > Paul Sheerer (CS) fall 2:58
152 James Eastman (Horseheads) forfeit
160 Chris Lavallee (Horseheads) > Cyrano Buda (CS) fall 3:22
170 Ladarron Tutton (Horseheads) > Austin Sanford (CS) fall 2:22
182 Alex Wheeler (Horseheads) > Derek Gauss (CS) fall 0:24
195 Korbin Isseh (Horseheads) > Brad Robert (CS) fall 1:31
220 Matt Clark (CS) > Brian Perez (Horseheads) fall 1:14
285 David Zinck (Horseheads) forfeit

                      Round 3
Campbell-Savona 54, Batavia Notre Dame 12
 99 Daniel McLaughlin (CS) forfeit
120 Ethan Hall (CS) forfeit
126 Joel Rosko (CS) forfeit
132 John Topf (CS) forfeit
138 Geoff Hargrave (CS) forfeit
145 Jimmy Zick (BND) > Paul Sheerer (CS) technical fall 5:00 16-0
160 Joey Zick (BND) > Cyrano Buda (CS) fall 5:48
170 Austin Sanford (CS) forfeit
182 Derek Gauss (CS) forfeit
195 Brad Robert (CS) forfeit
220 Matt Clark (CS) forfeit
Victor 66, Chenango Valley 12
 99 Caleb Wiggins (CV) > Alex Samson (Victor) decision 8-1
106 Jamie Dattilo (Victor) > Jake Lehr (CV) decision 6-1
113 Michael Venosa (Victor) forfeit
120 Kevin Marcano (Victor) forfeit
126 Chris Gleason (Victor) > Brandon Lockwood (CV) fall 4:30
132 Tristan Ierlan (Victor) forfeit
138 Stergios Hetelekides (Victor) forfeit
145 John Garbeck (Victor) > Steve Ayoward (CV) decision 6-2
152 Jordan Bauer (Victor) > Jack Riegal (CV) fall 3:52
160 Nick Pert (CV) > Tyler Bishop (Victor) fall 1:40
170 Kyle Collins (Victor) > Robert Woodward (CV) fall 4:08
182 Reed Grunder (CV) > Andrew Alverman (Victor) decision 6-3
195 Ben Klei (Victor) > Bryan Pert (CV) fall 0:41
220 Ryan Flaitz (Victor) forfeit
285 Mike Martin (Victor) forfeit
Watkins Glen 63, Geneva 17
 99 Caleb Smith (WG) forfeit
106 Andrew Williams-McIntyre (Geneva) > Trevor Walter (WG) decision 12-6
113 Dalton Cummings (WG) > Quentin Dandridge (Geneva) fall 0:53
120 Brandon Gould (WG) forfeit
126 Bradley Eslick (WG) > Sam Alexander (Geneva) fall 3:50
132 John Brown (WG) forfeit
138 Andrew Specht (WG) forfeit
145 Nicholas Cocola (WG) forfeit
152 Dean Laughlin (WG) forfeit
160 Andrew Brown (WG) forfeit
170 Sean Johnson (Geneva) > Casey Falls (WG) major decision 19-7
182 Ian Chedzoy (WG) > Deante Beniamino (Geneva) fall 3:12
195 Darnell Parker (Geneva) > Dustin Goltry (WG) major decision 8-0
220 Christian Shepherd (Geneva) > Cole Saunders (WG) fall 0:29
285 Colton Arcangeli (WG) > Alex Gonzalez (Geneva) decision 3-0
Horseheads 60, Jasper-Troupsburg 21
 99 Tim McCarthy (Horseheads) forfeit
106 Wesley Woodworth (Horseheads) > Darren Ross (JT) fall 5:51
113 Alex Kellar (Horseheads) > Dakohta Button (JT) fall 0:40
120 Dylan Kellar (Horseheads) > Jesse Trumbul (JT) major decision 11-1
126 Abiem O'Brien (Horseheads) > Justin Lapham (JT) major decision 11-2
132 Nolan Lubberts (JT) > Jeremy Ernst (Horseheads) fall 1:23
138 Kolton Hawkins (JT) forfeit
145 Ivan Stone (JT) > Dustin Whitesell (Horseheads) decision 4-3
152 James Eastman (Horseheads) > Josh O'Neil (JT) major decision 16-5
160 Chris Lavallee (Horseheads) forfeit
170 Ladarron Tutton (Horseheads) forfeit
182 Alex Wheeler (Horseheads) forfeit
195 Brian Perez (Horseheads) > Austin Brown (JT) fall 4:26
220 Justin Calkins (JT) > Nate Fayerweather (Horseheads) fall 0:13
285 David Zinck (Horseheads) forfeit

                      Round 4
Chenango Valley 48, Campbell-Savona 33
 99 Caleb Wiggins (CV) > Daniel McLaughlin (CS) fall 2:20
106 Jake Lehr (CV) forfeit
120 Ethan Hall (CS) > Brandon Lockwood (CV) decision 4-0
126 Jay Sanders (CS) forfeit
132 Joel Rosko (CS) forfeit
138 John Topf (CS) forfeit
145 Steve Ayoward (CV) > Geoff Hargrave (CS) fall 3:57
152 Jack Riegal (CV) > Paul Sheerer (CS) fall 5:03
160 Nick Pert (CV) > Cyrano Buda (CS) fall 2:35
170 Robert Woodward (CV) > Austin Sanford (CS) fall 0:45
182 Reed Grunder (CV) > Derek Gauss (CS) fall 0:45
195 Bryan Pert (CV) > Brad Robert (CS) fall 0:31
220 Matt Clark (CS) forfeit
285 Bryan Ragusa (CS) forfeit
Geneva 54, Batavia Notre Dame 12
106 Andrew Williams-McIntyre (Geneva) forfeit
113 Quentin Dandridge (Geneva) forfeit
120 Sam Alexander (Geneva) forfeit
132 Isaiah Johnson (Geneva) forfeit
145 Jimmy Zick (BND) forfeit
160 Joey Zick (BND) > Devin Hathaway (Geneva) fall 4:45
170 Sean Johnson (Geneva) forfeit
182 Xavier Pierre (Geneva) forfeit
195 Darnell Parker (Geneva) forfeit
220 Christian Shepherd (Geneva) forfeit
285 Alex Gonzalez (Geneva) forfeit
Watkins Glen 66, Jasper-Troupsburg 12
 99 Caleb Smith (WG) forfeit
106 Trevor Walter (WG) > Darren Ross (JT) fall 1:41
113 Dalton Cummings (WG) forfeit
120 Brandon Gould (WG) > Jesse Trumbul (JT) fall 1:02
126 Bradley Eslick (WG) > Justin Lapham (JT) fall 1:11
132 John Brown (WG) > Nolan Lubberts (JT) fall 1:24
138 Andrew Specht (WG) > Kolton Hawkins (JT) fall 0:19
145 Nicholas Cocola (WG) > Ivan Stone (JT) fall 0:23
152 Josh O'Neil (JT) > Dean Laughlin (WG) fall 0:33
160 Andrew Brown (WG) forfeit
195 Ian Chedzoy (WG) > Austin Brown (JT) fall 2:07
220 Justin Calkins (JT) > Dustin Goltry (WG) fall 0:37
285 Colton Arcangeli (WG) forfeit
Victor 64, Horseheads 18
 99 Alex Samson (Victor) > Tim McCarthy (Horseheads) fall 1:31
106 Jamie Dattilo (Victor) > Wesley Woodworth (Horseheads) fall 1:37
113 Michael Venosa (Victor) > Alex Kellar (Horseheads) decision 4-3
120 Kevin Marcano (Victor) > Dylan Kellar (Horseheads) fall 4:54
126 Chris Gleason (Victor) > Abiem O'Brien (Horseheads) fall 1:17
132 Tristan Ierlan (Victor) > Jeremy Ernst (Horseheads) fall 1:48
138 Stergios Hetelekides (Victor) forfeit
145 John Garbeck (Victor) > Dustin Whitesell (Horseheads) major decision 9-1
152 James Eastman (Horseheads) > Jordan Bauer (Victor) default 3:00
160 Chris Lavallee (Horseheads) > Tyler Bishop (Victor) fall 2:57
170 Kyle Collins (Victor) > Ladarron Tutton (Horseheads) fall 0:58
182 Alex Wheeler (Horseheads) > Andrew Alverman (Victor) fall 3:16
195 Ben Klei (Victor) > Brian Perez (Horseheads) fall 1:04
220 Ryan Flaitz (Victor) > Nate Fayerweather (Horseheads) fall 3:21
285 Mike Martin (Victor) > David Zinck (Horseheads) decision 1-0

                      Round 5
Victor 66, Watkins Glen 15
 99 Alex Samson (Victor) > Caleb Smith (WG) fall 2:31
106 Jamie Dattilo (Victor) > Trevor Walter (WG) fall 1:03
113 Michael Venosa (Victor) > Brandon Gould (WG) decision 2-1 (3OT)
120 Kevin Marcano (Victor) > Dalton Cummings (WG) fall 0:27
126 Chris Gleason (Victor) > Bradley Eslick (WG) fall 1:11
132 Tristan Ierlan (Victor) > John Brown (WG) decision 6-3
138 Stergios Hetelekides (Victor) > Andrew Specht (WG) fall 3:44
145 Nicholas Cocola (WG) > John Garbeck (Victor) fall 2:31
152 Dart Corwin (Victor) > Dean Laughlin (WG) fall 5:30
160 Tyler Bishop (Victor) > Gage Brown (WG) fall 0:51
170 Kyle Collins (Victor) forfeit
182 Ian Chedzoy (WG) > Andrew Alverman (Victor) decision 7-2
195 Ben Klei (Victor) > Dustin Goltry (WG) fall 3:10
220 Ryan Flaitz (Victor) > Cole Saunders (WG) fall 1:27
285 Colton Arcangeli (WG) > Mike Martin (Victor) fall 0:44
Horseheads 46, Chenango Valley 42
 99 Caleb Wiggins (CV) > Tim McCarthy (Horseheads) fall 0:22
106 Jake Lehr (CV) > Wesley Woodworth (Horseheads) fall 1:06
113 Hunter Grantier (Horseheads) forfeit
120 Alex Kellar (Horseheads) forfeit
126 Brandon Lockwood (CV) > Dylan Kellar (Horseheads) fall 5:12
132 Abiem O'Brien (Horseheads) forfeit
138 Jeremy Ernst (Horseheads) forfeit
145 Steve Ayoward (CV) > Dustin Whitesell (Horseheads) fall 2:53
152 Chris Lavallee (Horseheads) > Jack Riegal (CV) fall 1:30
160 James Eastman (Horseheads) > Nick Pert (CV) decision 11-4
170 Robert Woodward (CV) > Ladarron Tutton (Horseheads) fall 0:59
182 Reed Grunder (CV) > Alex Wheeler (Horseheads) fall 1:16
195 Bryan Pert (CV) > Brian Perez (Horseheads) fall 4:52
220 Nate Fayerweather (Horseheads) forfeit
285 David Zinck (Horseheads) forfeit
Jasper-Troupsburg 46, Batavia Notre Dame 3
106 Darren Ross (JT) forfeit
113 Dakohta Button (JT) forfeit
120 Jesse Trumbul (JT) forfeit
126 Justin Lapham (JT) forfeit
132 Nolan Lubberts (JT) forfeit
138 Kolton Hawkins (JT) forfeit
145 Ivan Stone (JT) > Jimmy Zick (BND) fall 1:28
160 Joey Zick (BND) > Josh O'Neil (JT) decision 12-8
195 Austin Brown (JT) forfeit
220 Justin Calkins (JT) forfeit
Geneva 46, Campbell-Savona 38
 99 Daniel McLaughlin (CS) forfeit
106 Andrew Williams-McIntyre (Geneva) forfeit
113 Quentin Dandridge (Geneva) forfeit
120 Ethan Hall (CS) forfeit
126 Jay Sanders (CS) > Sam Alexander (Geneva) decision 4-3
132 Joel Rosko (CS) forfeit
138 John Topf (CS) > Isaiah Johnson (Geneva) technical fall 5:00 16-1
145 Geoff Hargrave (CS) forfeit
152 Paul Sheerer (CS) forfeit
160 Devin Hathaway (Geneva) > Cyrano Buda (CS) major decision 12-1
170 Sean Johnson (Geneva) > Austin Sanford (CS) fall 1:03
182 Xavier Pierre (Geneva) > Derek Gauss (CS) fall 0:47
195 Darnell Parker (Geneva) > Brad Robert (CS) fall 1:31
220 Christian Shepherd (Geneva) > Matt Clark (CS) fall 1:39
285 Alex Gonzalez (Geneva) > Bryan Ragusa (CS) fall 0:53

                      Round 6
Victor 79, Jasper-Troupsburg 3
 99 Alex Samson (Victor) forfeit
106 Jamie Dattilo (Victor) > Darren Ross (JT) fall 0:52
113 Michael Venosa (Victor) forfeit
120 Kevin Marcano (Victor) > Jesse Trumbul (JT) major decision 24-10
126 Chris Gleason (Victor) > Justin Lapham (JT) fall 1:31
132 Tristan Ierlan (Victor) > Nolan Lubberts (JT) fall 0:24
138 Stergios Hetelekides (Victor) > Kolton Hawkins (JT) fall 1:01
145 John Garbeck (Victor) > Ivan Stone (JT) decision 4-0
152 Josh O'Neil (JT) > Dart Corwin (Victor) decision 6-0
160 Tyler Bishop (Victor) forfeit
170 Kyle Collins (Victor) forfeit
182 Andrew Alverman (Victor) forfeit
195 Ben Klei (Victor) > Austin Brown (JT) fall 0:47
220 Ryan Flaitz (Victor) > Justin Calkins (JT) fall 3:13
285 Mike Martin (Victor) forfeit
Chenango Valley 54, Batavia Notre Dame 0
 99 Caleb Wiggins (CV) forfeit
106 Jake Lehr (CV) forfeit
120 Brandon Lockwood (CV) forfeit
145 Steve Ayoward (CV) forfeit
152 Jack Riegal (CV) > Jimmy Zick (BND) fall 2:17
160 Nick Pert (CV) forfeit
170 Robert Woodward (CV) forfeit
182 Reed Grunder (CV) forfeit
195 Bryan Pert (CV) forfeit
Watkins Glen 42, Campbell-Savona 33
 99 Daniel McLaughlin (CS) > Trevor Walter (WG) decision 6-2
106 Caleb Smith (WG) forfeit
113 Dalton Cummings (WG) forfeit
120 Brandon Gould (WG) > Ethan Hall (CS) fall 2:19
126 Joel Rosko (CS) > Bradley Eslick (WG) fall 0:33
132 John Topf (CS) > John Brown (WG) decision 5-1
138 Geoff Hargrave (CS) > Andrew Specht (WG) decision 4-0
145 Nicholas Cocola (WG) > Paul Sheerer (CS) fall 2:35
160 Cyrano Buda (CS) > Dean Laughlin (WG) fall 2:26
170 Austin Sanford (CS) > Andrew Brown (WG) fall 1:06
182 Ian Chedzoy (WG) > Derek Gauss (CS) fall 1:00
195 Dustin Goltry (WG) > Brad Robert (CS) fall 1:00
220 Matt Clark (CS) > Cole Saunders (WG) fall 1:35
285 Colton Arcangeli (WG) > Bryan Ragusa (CS) fall 1:03
Horseheads 48, Geneva 39
 99 Tim McCarthy (Horseheads) forfeit
106 Andrew Williams-McIntyre (Geneva) > Wesley Woodworth (Horseheads) decision 2-0
113 Alex Kellar (Horseheads) > Quentin Dandridge (Geneva) fall 0:33
120 Dylan Derr (Horseheads) > Sam Alexander (Geneva) fall 1:29
126 Dylan Kellar (Horseheads) forfeit
132 Isaiah Johnson (Geneva) > Abiem O'Brien (Horseheads) fall 1:04
138 Jeremy Ernst (Horseheads) forfeit
145 Dustin Whitesell (Horseheads) forfeit
152 Chris Lavallee (Horseheads) forfeit
160 James Eastman (Horseheads) forfeit
170 Sean Johnson (Geneva) > Ladarron Tutton (Horseheads) fall 5:30
182 Xavier Pierre (Geneva) > Alex Wheeler (Horseheads) fall 1:58
195 Darnell Parker (Geneva) > Brian Perez (Horseheads) fall 4:54
220 Christian Shepherd (Geneva) > Nate Fayerweather (Horseheads) fall 0:23
285 Alex Gonzalez (Geneva) > David Zinck (Horseheads) fall 2:26

                      Round 7
Horseheads 45, Watkins Glen 42
 99 Tim McCarthy (Horseheads) > Caleb Smith (WG) decision 7-2
106 Wesley Woodworth (Horseheads) > Trevor Walter (WG) fall 1:24
113 Brandon Gould (WG) forfeit
120 Alex Kellar (Horseheads) > Dalton Cummings (WG) fall 0:27
126 Dylan Derr (Horseheads) > Bradley Eslick (WG) fall 3:20
132 John Brown (WG) > Jeremy Ernst (Horseheads) fall 3:56
138 Andrew Specht (WG) forfeit
145 Nicholas Cocola (WG) > Dustin Whitesell (Horseheads) fall 0:11
152 James Eastman (Horseheads) forfeit
160 Chris Lavallee (Horseheads) > Dean Laughlin (WG) fall 0:54
170 Ladarron Tutton (Horseheads) > Andrew Brown (WG) fall 1:47
182 Ian Chedzoy (WG) forfeit
195 Dustin Goltry (WG) > Alex Wheeler (Horseheads) fall 5:00
220 Brian Perez (Horseheads) > Cole Saunders (WG) fall 0:13
285 Colton Arcangeli (WG) > David Zinck (Horseheads) fall 1:48
Campbell-Savona 53, Jasper-Troupsburg 30
 99 Daniel McLaughlin (CS) forfeit
106 Darren Ross (JT) forfeit
120 Ethan Hall (CS) > Jesse Trumbul (JT) fall 0:44
126 Joel Rosko (CS) > Justin Lapham (JT) fall 0:22
132 John Topf (CS) > Nolan Lubberts (JT) fall 2:21
138 Geoff Hargrave (CS) > Kolton Hawkins (JT) technical fall 3:34 16-0
145 Ivan Stone (JT) > Paul Sheerer (CS) fall 3:39
152 Josh O'Neil (JT) forfeit
160 Cyrano Buda (CS) forfeit
170 Austin Sanford (CS) forfeit
182 Derek Gauss (CS) forfeit
195 Austin Brown (JT) > Brad Robert (CS) fall 1:06
220 Justin Calkins (JT) > Matt Clark (CS) fall 0:44
285 Bryan Ragusa (CS) forfeit
Chenango Valley 36, Geneva 30
 99 Caleb Wiggins (CV) forfeit
106 Jake Lehr (CV) > Andrew Williams-McIntyre (Geneva) decision 6-3
113 Quentin Dandridge (Geneva) forfeit
120 Brandon Lockwood (CV) > Sam Alexander (Geneva) fall 1:03
132 Isaiah Johnson (Geneva) forfeit
145 Steve Ayoward (CV) forfeit
152 Jack Riegal (CV) > Chris Laird (Geneva) decision 5-0
160 Nick Pert (CV) > Devin Hathaway (Geneva) decision 7-0
170 Robert Woodward (CV) > Sean Johnson (Geneva) decision 3-1
182 Reed Grunder (CV) > Xavier Pierre (Geneva) fall 1:23
195 Darnell Parker (Geneva) > Bryan Pert (CV) fall 1:13
220 Christian Shepherd (Geneva) forfeit
285 Alex Gonzalez (Geneva) forfeit
Victor 90, Batavia Notre Dame 0
 99 Alex Samson (Victor) forfeit
106 Jamie Dattilo (Victor) forfeit
113 Michael Venosa (Victor) forfeit
120 Kevin Marcano (Victor) forfeit
126 Chris Gleason (Victor) forfeit
132 Tristan Ierlan (Victor) forfeit
138 Steve Decker (Victor) forfeit
145 Stergios Hetelekides (Victor) > Jimmy Zick (BND) fall 0:30
152 Dart Corwin (Victor) forfeit
160 Tyler Bishop (Victor) forfeit
170 Kyle Collins (Victor) forfeit
182 Andrew Alverman (Victor) forfeit
195 Ben Klei (Victor) forfeit
220 Ryan Flaitz (Victor) forfeit
285 Mike Martin (Victor) forfeit
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