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Western New York Wrestling
WNY Wrestling

Binghamton University vs. Drexel University [PA]

Weightman Hall Gymnasium

University of Pennsylvania | Philadelphia, Pennsylvania
Jan 19, 2020

Varsity - EIWA

Dual Meet

                    Drexel University  28, Binghamton University 9
125 Antonio Mininno (DU) > Tommaso Frezza (BU) SV 3-1 (1OT)
133 Chase Shields (DU) > Carson Sauriol (BU) decision 7-5
141 Tyler Williams (DU) > Kevin Kelly (BU) technical fall 4:48 16-0
149 Matt Swanson (BU) > Jared Donahue (DU) decision 6-2
157 Parker Kropman (DU) > Christopher Barker (BU) decision 12-5
165 Jacob Nolan (BU) > Michael Manley (DU) decision 3-2
174 Michael O'Malley (DU) > Alexander Melikian (BU) technical fall 3:29 16-0
184 Owen Brooks (DU) forfeit
197 Bryan McLaughlin (DU) > Sam DePrez (BU) decision 10-3
285 Joe Doyle (BU) > Sean O'Malley (DU) TB 2-1 (2OT)
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