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WNY Wrestling

2nd Annual John Carroll Wrestling Duals

John Carroll University

University Heights, Ohio
Nov 13, 2016





                                                                  Participating Teams
Adrian College [MI] Alfred State College [NY] John Carroll University [OH] Lourdes University [OH] Lycoming College [PA] Otterbein University [OH]
1. Otterbein University (4-0)
2. John Carroll University (3-1)
2. Lycoming College (3-1)
4. Alfred State College (2-2)
5. Adrian College (0-4)
5. Lourdes University (0-4)

                      Round 1
Otterbein University 43, Alfred State College 4
125 Jackson Lakso (OU) > Patrick Lehman (ASC) fall 5:07
133 Alex Scotton (OU) > Brandon Gaylord (ASC) default
141 Jake Vaughan (OU) > Casey Connor (ASC) fall 1:56
149 Cortez Gainey (OU) forfeit
157 Willy Plaisir (OU) > Mike Galton (ASC) major decision 12-3
165 Donny Didion (OU) > Joshua O'Neil (ASC) decision 11-7
174 Braden Neuberger (OU) > Konnor Kremer (ASC) decision 7-1
184 George Van Valen (ASC) > Corbin Bunsold (OU) major decision 17-4
197 Drew Kasper (OU) > Brandyn Whitacre (ASC) decision 7-3
285 Gage Archer (OU) > Mitchell Lattuca (ASC) fall 3:00

                      Round 2
John Carroll University 36, Alfred State College 15
125 Dominic Devine (JCU) > Patrick Lehman (ASC) technical fall 18-3
133 Mitch Tikkanen (JCU) forfeit
141 Austin Victor (JCU) > Casey Connor (ASC) technical fall 19-3
149 Jarrad Lasko (JCU) forfeit
157 Daniel Novak (JCU) > Mike Galton (ASC) decision 4-1
165 Joseph Boley (JCU) > Joshua O'Neil (ASC) technical fall 16-1
174 Konnor Kremer (ASC) > Darrell Lane (JCU) fall 4:08
184 George Van Valen (ASC) > Kevin Khoma (JCU) decision 7-2
197 Brandyn Whitacre (ASC) forfeit
285 Russell Porter (JCU) > Mitchell Lattuca (ASC) fall 2:34

                      Round 3
Alfred State College 32, Lourdes University 15
125 Ray Porter (LU) > Patrick Lehman (ASC) decision 8-7
133 Tyler Roberts (LU) forfeit
141 Casey Connor (ASC) > Jacob Supina (LU) fall 6:41
149 Garrett Carter (LU) forfeit
157 Mike Galton (ASC) > Michael Andrzejewski (LU) decision 10-3
165 Joshua O'Neil (ASC) > Daniel Kruzel (LU) major decision 15-5
174 Konnor Kremer (ASC) > Joshua Brown (LU) major decision 11-0
184 George Van Valen (ASC) > Noah Nuno (LU) fall 2:37
197 Brandyn Whitacre (ASC) > Benjamin Higgins (LU) decision 6-3
285 Mitchell Lattuca (ASC) forfeit

                      Round 4
Alfred State College 33, Adrian College 18
125 Alex Baysinger (AC) > Patrick Lehman (ASC) decision 5-0
133 Zachary Snyder (AC) forfeit
141 Dominic Paterra (AC) > Casey Connor (ASC) decision 16-9
149 James Renaud (AC) forfeit
157 Mike Galton (ASC) > Ty Jasman (AC) decision 9-2
165 Joshua O'Neil (ASC) forfeit
174 Konnor Kremer (ASC) > James Pace (AC) fall 2:12
184 George Van Valen (ASC) > John Cooper (AC) fall 1:36
197 Brandyn Whitacre (ASC) forfeit
285 Mitchell Lattuca (ASC) > Clearance Kennedy (AC) fall 5:48
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