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Clarion/ Duquesne/ Wagner Dual

Waldo S. Tippin Gymnasium

Clarion University | Clarion, PA
Jan 25, 2008

Varsity - Division I


                                                                  Participating Teams
Clarion University [PA] Duquesne University [PA] Wagner College [NY]
1. Clarion University (2-0)
2. Duquesne University (1-1)
3. Wagner College (0-2)

                      Championship Final (1st)
Clarion University 30, Duquesne University 13
125 Jonathan Bittinger (DU) > Jay Ivanco (CU) decision 7-2
133 Rob Labrake (CU) > Kevin Chapman (DU) decision 6-0
141 Jayk Cobbs (DU) > Tony Lascari (CU) major decision 13-5
149 Hadley Harrison (CU) > Brad Shrum (DU) fall 6:35
157 Travis Uncapher (CU) > Cody Midlam (DU) decision 6-3
165 Daniel Pawley (DU) forfeit
174 Mario Morelli (CU) > Scott Black (DU) decision 7-1
184 Scott Joseph (CU) > Ryan Sula (DU) fall 0:38
197 Jamie Luckett (CU) forfeit
285 Roman Husam (CU) > Joe D'Orsie (DU) decision 5-2

                      True Second (2nd)
Duquesne University 47, Wagner College 0
125 Jonathan Bittinger (DU) > Joe Eurell (WC) technical fall 5:00 16-2
133 Kevin Chapman (DU) > Nick Boghos (WC) decision 12-5
141 Jayk Cobbs (DU) > Nick Keshecki (WC) technical fall 6:50 19-2
149 Brad Shrum (DU) > Ryan Cornell (WC) fall 2:21
157 Cody Midlam (DU) > Sean Quinn (WC) decision 2-1
165 Dan Pawley (DU) forfeit
174 Scott Black (DU) > Peter Morano (WC) major decision 11-2
184 Ryan Sula (DU) > Ed Broderick (WC) major decision 9-1
197 Matt Gregg (DU) > Anthony Interiano (WC) fall 4:08
285 Matt Richardson (DU) > John Graeffe (WC) fall 2:35

                      Round 1
Clarion University 49, Wagner College 6
125 Jay Ivanco (CU) > Joe Eurell (WC) fall 2:35
133 Rob Labrake (CU) > Nick Keshecki (WC) fall 0:37
141 Tony Lascari (CU) > Nick Boghos (WC) technical fall 3:58 17-1
149 Hadley Harrison (CU) > Ryan Cornell (WC) technical fall 6:24 17-0
157 Travis Uncapher (CU) > Sean Quinn (WC) fall 4:00
165 Patrick Larkin (WC) forfeit
174 Mario Morelli (CU) > Peter Morano (WC) fall 2:11
184 Scott Joseph (CU) > Ed Broderick (WC) decision 10-4
197 Dixon Jordan (CU) > Anthony Interiano (WC) fall 2:53
285 Roman Husam (CU) > John Graeffe (WC) fall 6:30


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