The home of Western New York Wrestling since 2001
Western New York Wrestling
WNY Wrestling

7th Annual NYSPHSAA Section VI Dual Meet Wrestling Championships

Niagara County Community College

Sanborn, New York
Jan 6, 2024



Varsity - Division I


                                                                  Participating Teams
Amherst (#3) [NY] Clarence (#6) [NY] Grand Island (#4) [NY] Niagara Falls (#7) [NY] Niagara Wheatfield (#1) [NY] North Tonawanda (#5) [NY] Williamsville North (#2) [NY]
1. Niagara Wheatfield (#1) (2-0)
2. Williamsville North (#2) (2-1)
3. Clarence (#6) (3-1)
4. Amherst (#3) (2-2)

                      Championship Final (1st)
Niagara Wheatfield (#1) 48, Williamsville North (#2) 18
101 Tanner Catrabone (WN (#2)) > Gabriella Barone (NW (#1)) decision 7-3
108 Parker Brenon (WN (#2)) > Jacob Sweeney (NW (#1)) decision 2-0
116 Eian Peterson (NW (#1)) forfeit
124 Muntathar Abbas (NW (#1)) > Jonathan Hans (WN (#2)) fall 4:32
131 Evan Azbell (NW (#1)) > Zachary Gibson (WN (#2)) fall 0:52
138 Garrett Chase (NW (#1)) > Drew Fletch (WN (#2)) fall 2:59
145 Chase Richards (NW (#1)) > Rocco Urbanczyk (WN (#2)) fall 1:46
152 Cameron Catrabone (WN (#2)) forfeit
160 Te'Shaun Mathews (NW (#1)) forfeit
170 Joseph Cicco (NW (#1)) > Hussein Zenki (WN (#2)) decision 4-3
190 Iain O'Donnell (NW (#1)) > Amari Libertone-Robinson (WN (#2)) decision 9-3
215 John Fike (NW (#1)) > Christopher Harris (WN (#2)) default
285 Zaid El Nasser (WN (#2)) > Peter Sheehan (NW (#1)) fall 3:25

                      Championship Semifinals
Niagara Wheatfield (#1) 59, Grand Island (#4) 11
101 Cole Randle (GI (#4)) > Gabriella Barone (NW (#1)) decision 5-4
108 Zakary Massaro (GI (#4)) > Jacob Sweeney (NW (#1)) major decision 12-0
116 Eian Peterson (NW (#1)) forfeit
124 Muntathar Abbas (NW (#1)) > Xander Heckman (GI (#4)) fall 0:25
131 Dylan Castiglia (GI (#4)) > Evan Azbell (NW (#1)) major decision 16-3
138 Garrett Chase (NW (#1)) > Giovanni Vanacore (GI (#4)) technical fall 2:46 16-0
145 Chase Richards (NW (#1)) > Zachary Bridenbaker (GI (#4)) fall 0:54
152 Dylan Pringle (NW (#1)) > Sam Castner (GI (#4)) fall 2:57
160 Te'Shaun Mathews (NW (#1)) > Chase Judd (GI (#4)) fall 0:35
170 Joseph Cicco (NW (#1)) > Timothy Bentley (GI (#4)) fall 5:29
190 Iain O'Donnell (NW (#1)) > Owen Rosati (GI (#4)) fall 1:34
215 John Fike (NW (#1)) > Andi Spahiu (GI (#4)) fall 0:32
285 Peter Sheehan (NW (#1)) > Anthony Vaccaro (GI (#4)) fall 3:18
Williamsville North (#2) 32, Clarence (#6) 30
101 Tanner Catrabone (WN (#2)) > Zachary Didas (Clarence (#6)) technical fall 5:05 16-1
108 Parker Brenon (WN (#2)) forfeit
116 Nicholas Rodriguez (WN (#2)) > Philip Gulisano (Clarence (#6)) major decision 11-3
124 Brayden Kellison (WN (#2)) > Josh Randolph (Clarence (#6)) fall 1:13
131 Trevor Mueller (Clarence (#6)) > Zachary Gibson (WN (#2)) fall 3:13
138 A.J. Didas (Clarence (#6)) > Drew Fletch (WN (#2)) fall 0:50
145 Joey Keller (Clarence (#6)) > Rocco Urbanczyk (WN (#2)) decision 2-1
152 Matthew Cox (Clarence (#6)) > Joseph Sankoh (WN (#2)) fall 5:57
160 Cameron Catrabone (WN (#2)) > Yazin Albayed (Clarence (#6)) fall 0:18
170 Hussein Zenki (WN (#2)) > Clayton Feltz (Clarence (#6)) major decision 13-2
190 Amari Libertone-Robinson (WN (#2)) > Kurt Johnson (Clarence (#6)) major decision 9-0
215 Zacheus Wells (Clarence (#6)) > Christopher Harris (WN (#2)) decision 10-9
285 Bryce Hawes (Clarence (#6)) > Zaid El Nasser (WN (#2)) fall 2:38

                      Championship Quarterfinals
Grand Island (#4) 32, North Tonawanda (#5) 27
101 Cole Randle (GI (#4)) > Rocco Batt (NT (#5)) major decision 15-1
108 Deni Daghestani (GI (#4)) > Brenna McCarley (NT (#5)) decision 6-1
116 Zakary Massaro (GI (#4)) > Hannah McCarley (NT (#5)) major decision 10-0
124 Xander Heckman (GI (#4)) > Nathan Schaefer (NT (#5)) decision 10-4
131 Dylan Castiglia (GI (#4)) > Markgo Goree (NT (#5)) fall 1:03
138 Giovanni Vanacore (GI (#4)) > Alex Simon (NT (#5)) fall 3:02
145 Aaron Batch (NT (#5)) > Zachary Bridenbaker (GI (#4)) SV 6-4 (1OT)
152 Keith Mixon (NT (#5)) > Sam Castner (GI (#4)) fall 1:48
160 Ilimdar Khasanov (NT (#5)) > Chase Judd (GI (#4)) fall 1:34
170 Dylan Gagnon (NT (#5)) forfeit
190 Timothy Bentley (GI (#4)) > Jonathan Landen (NT (#5)) decision 7-1
215 Mohamed Abdullah (NT (#5)) > Andi Spahiu (GI (#4)) fall 3:12
285 Anthony Vaccaro (GI (#4)) > James Campas (NT (#5)) SV 5-3 (1OT)
Clarence (#6) 42, Amherst (#3) 30
101 Zachary Didas (Clarence (#6)) > Ammar Abokefaya (Amherst (#3)) fall 0:46
108 Ameer Alawan (Amherst (#3)) forfeit
116 Mustafa Natiq (Amherst (#3)) > Philip Gulisano (Clarence (#6)) decision 10-5
124 Josh Randolph (Clarence (#6)) > Brayden Kirst (Amherst (#3)) fall 3:57
131 Trevor Mueller (Clarence (#6)) > Riley Kirst (Amherst (#3)) fall 2:58
138 A.J. Didas (Clarence (#6)) > Quinlan Lyle (Amherst (#3)) fall 1:04
145 Joey Keller (Clarence (#6)) > Yabey Torres (Amherst (#3)) fall 0:25
152 Nathan Cohen (Amherst (#3)) > Austin Parlato (Clarence (#6)) fall 3:16
160 Clayton Feltz (Clarence (#6)) > Zak Saeed (Amherst (#3)) fall 3:46
170 Killian Simonson (Amherst (#3)) > Kurt Johnson (Clarence (#6)) fall 3:37
190 Ali Al-Mutiary (Amherst (#3)) > Zacheus Wells (Clarence (#6)) decision 5-1
215 Jordan Passero (Amherst (#3)) > Imran Sarvaiya (Clarence (#6)) fall 0:42
285 Bryce Hawes (Clarence (#6)) > Joshua Knobloch (Amherst (#3)) fall 1:02
Williamsville North (#2) 35, Niagara Falls (#7) 28
101 Tanner Catrabone (WN (#2)) forfeit
108 Cameron Crumpler (NF (#7)) > Parker Brenon (WN (#2)) decision 2-1
116 Nicholas Rodriguez (WN (#2)) > Zyier Calhoun (NF (#7)) fall 2:20
124 Brayden Kellison (WN (#2)) > Vincent Lucchetti (NF (#7)) fall 0:57
131 Kayden Feagin (NF (#7)) > Zachary Gibson (WN (#2)) fall 4:30
138 Matthew Syposs (NF (#7)) > Rocco Urbanczyk (WN (#2)) major decision 18-8
145 Reginald McCreary (NF (#7)) > Joseph Sankoh (WN (#2)) decision 8-4
152 Cameron Catrabone (WN (#2)) > Vincenzo Falsetti (NF (#7)) fall 0:24
160 Hussein Zenki (WN (#2)) > Wendle Rivers (NF (#7)) fall 1:04
170 Jadyn Robinson (NF (#7)) > Amari Libertone-Robinson (WN (#2)) decision 1-0
190 Demarius Gregory (NF (#7)) > Angelo Cuva (WN (#2)) SV 3-1 (1OT)
215 Lewis Miller (NF (#7)) > Christopher Harris (WN (#2)) fall 1:40
285 Zaid El Nasser (WN (#2)) > Alchemist Matthews (NF (#7)) fall 2:06

                      Consolation Round 2
Clarence (#6) 37, North Tonawanda (#5) 29
101 Zachary Didas (Clarence (#6)) > Rocco Batt (NT (#5)) decision 8-2
108 Brenna McCarley (NT (#5)) forfeit
116 Hannah McCarley (NT (#5)) > Philip Gulisano (Clarence (#6)) major decision 12-2
124 Josh Randolph (Clarence (#6)) > Nathan Schaefer (NT (#5)) fall 3:39
131 Trevor Mueller (Clarence (#6)) > Markgo Goree (NT (#5)) major decision 8-0
138 A.J. Didas (Clarence (#6)) > Alex Simon (NT (#5)) fall 0:51
145 Joey Keller (Clarence (#6)) > Aaron Batch (NT (#5)) fall 1:35
152 Matthew Cox (Clarence (#6)) > Keith Mixon (NT (#5)) fall 2:11
160 Ilimdar Khasanov (NT (#5)) > Austin Parlato (Clarence (#6)) decision 8-5
170 Dylan Gagnon (NT (#5)) > Clayton Feltz (Clarence (#6)) major decision 20-6
190 Aidyn Licht (NT (#5)) > Zacheus Wells (Clarence (#6)) fall 3:55
215 Mohamed Abdullah (NT (#5)) > Aiden Hammond (Clarence (#6)) fall 2:18
285 Bryce Hawes (Clarence (#6)) > Ethan Lake (NT (#5)) fall 0:42
Amherst (#3) 40, Grand Island (#4) 24
101 Cole Randle (GI (#4)) > Ammar Abokefaya (Amherst (#3)) fall 3:39
108 Mustafa Natiq (Amherst (#3)) > Deni Daghestani (GI (#4)) major decision 12-0
116 Zakary Massaro (GI (#4)) > Brayden Kirst (Amherst (#3)) fall 1:23
124 Xander Heckman (GI (#4)) forfeit
131 Dylan Castiglia (GI (#4)) > Moshin Ali (Amherst (#3)) fall 1:04
138 Quinlan Lyle (Amherst (#3)) > Giovanni Vanacore (GI (#4)) decision 5-4
145 Nathan Cohen (Amherst (#3)) > Zachary Bridenbaker (GI (#4)) decision 10-5
152 Zak Saeed (Amherst (#3)) > Sam Castner (GI (#4)) fall 0:20
160 Abbas Al-Mutiary (Amherst (#3)) > Chase Judd (GI (#4)) decision 4-1
170 Killian Simonson (Amherst (#3)) forfeit
190 Ali Al-Mutiary (Amherst (#3)) > Timothy Bentley (GI (#4)) decision 5-2
215 Jordan Passero (Amherst (#3)) > Andi Spahiu (GI (#4)) fall 2:56
285 Joshua Knobloch (Amherst (#3)) > Anthony Vaccaro (GI (#4)) fall 3:08

Varsity - Division II


                                                                  Participating Teams
Chautauqua Lake (#1) [NY] Gowanda (#4) [NY] Newfane (#3) [NY] Southwestern (#2) [NY] Wilson (#5) [NY]
1. Chautauqua Lake (#1) (2-0)
2. Southwestern (#2) (1-1)
3. Newfane (#3) (2-1)
4. Gowanda (#4) (1-1)

                      Championship Final (1st)
Chautauqua Lake (#1) 42, Southwestern (#2) 19

                      Consolation Final (3rd)
Newfane (#3) 37, Gowanda (#4) 29

                      Championship Semifinals
Chautauqua Lake (#1) 73, Gowanda (#4) 0

                      Championship Quarterfinals
Gowanda (#4) 59, Wilson (#5) 18
Southwestern (#2) 39, Newfane (#3) 30

                      Consolation Round 1
Newfane (#3) 60, Wilson (#5) 18
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