★ ★ ★ ★ ★ Meet History
Wyoming County Wrestling Championships
February 28, 1964 - February 29, 1964 @ Arcade Central School (Arcade, New York)
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Arcade Matmen Win 7 Matches
Arcade Central wrestlers won seven of the 12 Wyoming County League Tournament matches Saturday evening in Arcade Central School, including Jerry Andera's second straight championship. SOURCE: Buffalo Evening News, March 2, 1964. Reproduced by armdrag.com with permission. Click for larger image.

Varsity | Winners advance to Section V Class B Quarterfinals


Arcade, Attica, Letchworth, Perry, Warsaw

Championship Final (1st)

 95  James Keenan (Arcade) > Lee Smith (Warsaw) fall 3:11
103  Jerome Andera (Arcade) > Dave Wilson (Perry) fall 1:17
112  Robert Neamon (Arcade) > Richard Romesser (Attica) decision 5-2
120  Dave Moses (Perry) > Larry Fugle (Attica) decision 15-9
127  Stanley Czesak (Arcade) > Dave Beitz (Attica) fall 2:53
133  Berthold Spaeth (Arcade) > Martin Mucher (Letchworth) decision 3-2
138  John Peterson (Attica) > Dick Onisk (Warsaw) decision 4-3
145  Tom Dovolos (Perry) > Lee Smith (Arcade) decision 6-4
154  Roger Gorham (Arcade) > Patrick O'Brien (Letchworth) decision 5-1
165  Andy Uveino (Letchworth) > Gary Horning (Arcade) fall 3:23
180  Carl George (Arcade) > Bill Geitner (Attica) decision 4-1
UNL  Tom Glor (Attica) > Thomas Kral (Letchworth) decision 6-3

Championship Semifinals

 95  James Keenan (Arcade) forfeit
 95  Lee Smith (Warsaw) > Roger Howe (Perry) decision
103  Jerome Andera (Arcade) > Lonnie Dickerson (Attica) fall
103  Dave Wilson (Perry) > Paul Ainsworth (Warsaw) fall
112  Richard Romesser (Attica) > Dave Kiel (Warsaw) decision
112  Robert Neamon (Arcade) > Kleason Holmes (Perry) fall
120  Larry Fugle (Attica) > Jim Keough (Warsaw) decision
120  Dave Moses (Perry) > Steve Greene (Letchworth) decision
127  Stanley Czesak (Arcade) > Randy Broughton (Letchworth) fall
127  Dave Beitz (Attica) > Steve Smith (Warsaw) decision
133  Martin Mucher (Letchworth) > Wayne Dusen (Attica) decision
133  Berthold Spaeth (Arcade) > Dwight Gay (Warsaw) decision
138  John Peterson (Attica) > Mike Mattingly (Letchworth) decision
138  Dick Onisk (Warsaw) > Tom Fenner (Arcade) decision
145  Lee Smith (Arcade) > Charles Converse (Letchworth) fall
145  Tom Dovolos (Perry) > Mike Forgnone (Attica) decision
154  Patrick O'Brien (Letchworth) > Al Burkhardt (Warsaw) fall
154  Roger Gorham (Arcade) > Doug Merkle (Attica) decision
165  Andy Uveino (Letchworth) > Lance Bush (Warsaw) fall
165  Gary Horning (Arcade) > Ed Piechocki (Attica) decision
180  Bill Geitner (Attica) > Bob Dzduch (Perry) fall
180  Carl George (Arcade) > John Bradley (Letchworth) decision
UNL  Tom Glor (Attica) > Tom Hotchkiss (Perry) fall
UNL  Thomas Kral (Letchworth) > George Morgan (Arcade) fall


Comments (Wyoming County Wrestling Championships)