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Caledonia-Mumford Invitational Duals

Caledonia-Mumford High School

Caledonia, New York
Jan 3, 2009




                                                                  Participating Teams
Byron-Bergen [NY] Caledonia-Mumford [NY] Canisteo-Greenwood [NY] Churchville-Chili [NY] Dansville [NY] Kendall [NY] Newark [NY] Victor [NY] Webster Thomas [NY] York [NY]
1. Canisteo-Greenwood (5-0)
2. Webster Thomas (4-1)
3. Churchville-Chili (4-1)
4. Byron-Bergen (3-2)
4. Victor (3-2)
6. Dansville (2-3)
6. Kendall (2-3)
7. Newark (1-3)
10. Caledonia-Mumford (0-5)

                      Championship Final (1st)
Canisteo-Greenwood 40, Webster Thomas 30

                      Round 1
Canisteo-Greenwood ? > York ?
Newark 58, Caledonia-Mumford 23
112 Shawn Chamberlain (Newark) forfeit
119 Nolan Avery (Newark) > Nikko Fenderson (CM) fall 2:29
125 John Denniston (Newark) > Austin Sickles (CM) fall 0:41
130 Riley Ottman (CM) forfeit
135 Lucas Ginther (Newark) forfeit
140 Alex Avery (Newark) > Jacob Macwilliams (CM) fall 1:20
145 Bobby Hauf (Newark) forfeit
152 Ben Anastasi (CM) > Chad Barnes (Newark) fall 3:43
160 Alex Cook (Newark) > Jon Kemnitz (CM) major decision 11-3
171 Dan Johnson (Newark) > Marshal Oberer (CM) fall 0:28
189 Jon Grann (CM) > Darwin Morales (Newark) fall 0:30
215 Brandon Lafrance (Newark) forfeit
285 Tom Gorrow (CM) > Jordin York (Newark) fall 0:22

                      Round 2
Canisteo-Greenwood ? > Kendall ?
Dansville 48, Newark 32
Webster Thomas 73, Caledonia-Mumford 12
 96 Mitchell Erbe (WT) forfeit
112 T.J. Doyle (WT) forfeit
119 Vince Muscato (WT) > Nikko Fenderson (CM) fall 1:06
125 Chris Jones (WT) > Austin Sickles (CM) fall 1:25
130 Nick Defranco (WT) > Riley Ottman (CM) fall 1:06
135 Brett Carroll (WT) forfeit
140 Mike Clark (WT) > Jacob Macwilliams (CM) fall 1:15
145 Anthony Biuso (WT) forfeit
152 Austin Fox (WT) > Ben Anastasi (CM) decision 8-1
160 Shawn Matthews (WT) > Jon Kemnitz (CM) major decision 15-5
171 Jeremy Poliszuk (WT) > Marshal Oberer (CM) fall 1:24
189 Jon Grann (CM) > Zerik Miller (WT) fall 5:28
215 Jimmy Hussar (WT) forfeit
285 Tom Gorrow (CM) forfeit

                      Round 3
Canisteo-Greenwood ? > Churchville-Chili ?
Dansville 63, Caledonia-Mumford 18
 96 Cody Schuster (Dansville) forfeit
112 Jon Barlak (Dansville) forfeit
119 Joe Coburn (Dansville) > Nikko Fenderson (CM) fall 1:05
125 Austin Sickles (CM) > Brad McKinney (Dansville) fall 0:32
130 Andy Graves (Dansville) > Riley Ottman (CM) fall 3:52
135 Matt Belanger (Dansville) forfeit
145 Jason Boots-Lovetro (Dansville) forfeit
152 Cody Malone (Dansville) > Ben Anastasi (CM) decision 11-5
160 Jon Kemnitz (CM) > Hubert Jansch (Dansville) fall 4:57
171 David Magee (Dansville) > Sean Parslow (CM) fall 1:00
189 Jon Grann (CM) > Justin Briggs (Dansville) fall 2:15
215 Brandon Boots-Lovetro (Dansville) forfeit
285 Bryan Wood (Dansville) > Jake Oltmann (CM) fall 5:02

                      Round 4
Canisteo-Greenwood ? > Victor ?
Byron-Bergen 44, Dansville 42

                      Round 5
Webster Thomas 63, Dansville 17
Byron-Bergen 48, Caledonia-Mumford 21
112 Dennis Payne (BB) forfeit
119 Nikko Fenderson (CM) forfeit
125 Adam Hixenbaugh (BB) > Austin Sickles (CM) fall 1:23
130 Riley Ottman (CM) forfeit
135 Matt McKenrick (BB) forfeit
140 Jon Levchuk (BB) forfeit
152 Colin Geer (BB) > Ben Anastasi (CM) fall 0:38
160 Jon Kemnitz (CM) forfeit
171 Zack Green (BB) > Marshal Oberer (CM) fall 0:56
189 Jon Grann (CM) > Jordan Kiessling (BB) decision 3-2
215 Joe Russell (BB) forfeit
285 Travis Taylor (BB) > Tom Gorrow (CM) fall 0:30

                      Round 6
Victor 42, Dansville 33
Kendall 60, Caledonia-Mumford 21
 96 Jake Requa (Kendall) forfeit
103 Devin Iqbal (Kendall) forfeit
112 James Klafehn (Kendall) forfeit
119 Jimmy Wiler (Kendall) > Nikko Fenderson (CM) fall 0:59
125 Zack Sobieraski (Kendall) > Austin Sickles (CM) default
130 Riley Ottman (CM) > Lance Requa (Kendall) fall 1:42
135 Eric Ritchie (Kendall) forfeit
145 Jimmy Napolean (Kendall) forfeit
152 Ben Anastasi (CM) > Matt Klafehn (Kendall) decision 6-0
160 Phil McLaren (Kendall) > Jon Kemnitz (CM) fall 0:21
171 Johnson (Kendall) > Marshal Oberer (CM) fall 0:28
189 Jon Grann (CM) forfeit
215 Ricky Martinez (Kendall) forfeit
285 Tom Gorrow (CM) forfeit


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