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WNY Wrestling

Cheektowaga Warrior Duals

Cheektowaga High School

Cheektowaga, New York
Dec 10, 2011




                                                                  Participating Teams
Cheektowaga [NY] Frontier [NY] Lackawanna [NY] Niagara Wheatfield [NY] North Tonawanda [NY] Palmyra-Macedon [NY] St. Joseph's [NY] Webster Thomas [NY] West Seneca East [NY] Williamsville South [NY]
1. Webster Thomas (5-0)
2. Williamsville South (0-0)
3. Palmyra-Macedon (0-0)
4. Cheektowaga (0-0)
5. Niagara Wheatfield (0-0)
6. North Tonawanda (0-0)
7. West Seneca East (0-0)
8. St. Joseph's (0-0)
9. Lackawanna (0-0)
10. Frontier (0-0)

                      Championship Final (1st)
Webster Thomas 45, Williamsville South 31
 99 Chance Nadritch (WT) > Matthew Genau (WS) fall 3:49
106 Anthony Carducci (WS) forfeit
113 Daniel Adamczuk (WT) > Greg Yensan (WS) fall 5:59
120 Nick Schuman (WT) forfeit
126 T.J. Doyle (WT) > Anthony Ferguson (WS) decision 6-2
132 Alex Achenbach (WS) forfeit
138 Dyllyn Salathiel (WT) > John Simonian (WS) decision 10-6
145 Mike Coffaro (WT) > Cameron Pazderski (WS) fall 3:13
152 Luke Falzone (WS) > Mike Labello (WT) decision 7-0
160 Ethan Testa (WT) > Greg Digati (WS) fall 0:39
170 Anthony Liberatore (WS) > Mike Cook (WT) major decision 13-2
182 Conor McCabe (WT) > Casey Nuchereno (WS) decision 3-2
195 Colby Durinka (WS) > Max Kowal (WT) fall 1:20
220 Hayden Maltese (WT) forfeit
285 Josh Jacobs (WS) > Joey Lanzafame (WT) fall 1:08

                      Consolation Final (3rd)
Palmyra-Macedon 57, Cheektowaga 24
 99 Eric Bartnik (Cheektowaga) forfeit
106 Ed Le (Cheektowaga) > Chris Toomey (PM) fall 2:51
113 Alec Ludolph (PM) > Scott Le (Cheektowaga) fall 2:44
120 Jake Allen (PM) > Dylan Gallagher (Cheektowaga) decision 9-5
126 Jake Weigand (Cheektowaga) > Devin Soliday (PM) fall 1:40
132 Dylan Rifenberg (PM) > Renaldo Rodriguez-Spencer (Cheektowaga) decision 8-7
138 Taylor Jones (PM) > Kevin Ly (Cheektowaga) technical fall 5:24 19-4
145 Max Lloyd (PM) > Jerell Chappell-Rolling (Cheektowaga) fall 1:15
152 Dustin Jones (PM) > Miguel Rodriguez-Spencer (Cheektowaga) major decision 9-1
160 Ben Lawrence (PM) > Matthew Bartnik (Cheektowaga) fall 4:58
170 Cody Rogers (PM) > Joseph Vazquez (Cheektowaga) fall 0:47
182 Cody Bourgeois (PM) forfeit
195 Todd Brockhuizen (PM) forfeit
220 Andy Paro (PM) > Muhamed Hamidel (Cheektowaga) fall 1:28
285 John Loncher (Cheektowaga) > Tyler Bordwell (PM) fall 4:34

                      Consolation Final (5th)
Niagara Wheatfield 48, North Tonawanda 30

                      Consolation Final (7th)
West Seneca East 40, St. Joseph's 39
 99 Dominic Caruso (SJ) > Josh Katashuk (WSE) fall 4:49
106 Max Dorn (WSE) forfeit
120 Danny Graham (WSE) > Derek Penman (SJ) major decision 11-1
126 Angel Leon (SJ) forfeit
132 Travis Berube (SJ) > John Bauer (WSE) fall 5:04
138 Pat Mang (SJ) > Pat Kloster (WSE) technical fall 15-0
145 Richie Jones (SJ) > Matthew Schaumloeffel (WSE) fall 1:42
160 Liam Kearney (SJ) > Devin Lindner (WSE) decision 2-1
170 Jordan Lechner (WSE) > Zack O'Connell (SJ) fall 1:01
182 Joseph Schaumloeffel (WSE) forfeit
195 Dylan Briley (WSE) > Sean Cronin (SJ) fall 0:19
220 Sam Khoury (WSE) forfeit
285 Joe Candino (WSE) > Mike Weilgas (SJ) fall 0:54

                      Consolation Final (9th)
Lackawanna 43, Frontier 40

                      Round ?
Webster Thomas 50, North Tonawanda 25
 99 Troy Keller (NT) > Chance Nadritch (WT) fall 1:08
113 Bryce Drake (NT) > Daniel Adamczuk (WT) major decision 9-0
120 Nick Schuman (WT) > Mike Testa (NT) fall 0:58
126 T.J. Doyle (WT) > Zack Licht (NT) fall 2:47
132 Mitchell Erbe (WT) > Adam Krause (NT) decision 12-8
138 Dyllyn Salathiel (WT) > Will Lizquckas (NT) fall 1:07
145 Mike Coffaro (WT) > Harold Wagner (NT) fall 1:15
152 Mike Labello (WT) > Matt Candlena (NT) fall 1:00
160 Ray Keller (NT) > Ethan Testa (WT) decision 15-8
170 Mike Cook (WT) > Joseph Fago (NT) fall 0:43
182 Brenon Perkins (NT) > Conor McCabe (WT) fall 3:59
195 Max Kowal (WT) > Taylor Eckstein (NT) fall 2:44
220 Hayden Maltese (WT) > Colin Bobick (NT) technical fall 5:15 16-1
285 Ryan Osborn (NT) > Joey Lanzafame (WT) fall 0:34
Williamsville South 49, Niagara Wheatfield 27
 99 Deion Harris (NW) > Matthew Genau (WS) fall 2:46
106 Shane Helbig (NW) > Anthony Carducci (WS) fall 0:45
113 Ryan Ploetz (NW) > Greg Yensan (WS) major decision 10-0
120 Robert Yates (NW) forfeit
126 Marcus Popp (NW) > Anthony Ferguson (WS) fall 2:54
132 Alex Achenbach (WS) > Brandon Brusino (NW) decision 6-2
138 Derrick Printup (NW) > John Simonian (WS) decision 9-2
145 Ricky Schweickhard (NW) > Khalim Evans (WS) fall 3:17
152 Luke Falzone (WS) > Michael Pope (NW) fall 1:02
160 Greg Digati (WS) > Joe Yanulevich (NW) decision 6-5
170 Anthony Liberatore (WS) forfeit
182 Casey Nuchereno (WS) > Daniel Ciccio (NW) major decision
195 Colby Durinka (WS) > Brennan Ferguson (NW) decision 4-2
220 Max Antone (NW) > Josh Jacobs (WS) fall 0:37
285 Austin Johnson (NW) forfeit
Williamsville South 62, Lackawanna 18
 99 Ali Shawish (Lackawanna) > Matthew Genau (WS) decision 3-2
106 Anthony Carducci (WS) > Michael Lynam (Lackawanna) fall 1:23
113 Greg Yensan (WS) > Chris Nicholson (Lackawanna) technical fall 17-2
120 Majed Mohamed (Lackawanna) forfeit
126 Anthony Ferguson (WS) > Bassam Harhara (Lackawanna) fall 5:47
132 Alex Achenbach (WS) > Hajaj Ahmed (Lackawanna) fall 2:24
138 John Simonian (WS) > Yaseen Abdulla (Lackawanna) fall 5:00
145 Cameron Pazderski (WS) > Fathil Abuhamra (Lackawanna) decision 11-8
152 Luke Falzone (WS) forfeit
160 Greg Digati (WS) forfeit
170 Anthony Liberatore (WS) > Mike Everett (Lackawanna) fall 2:30
182 Casey Nuchereno (WS) forfeit
195 Colby Durinka (WS) forfeit
220 Omar Nasser (Lackawanna) forfeit
285 Josh Jacobs (WS) > Larry Wright (Lackawanna) decision 10-4
St. Joseph's 39, Frontier 33
106 Kyle Genovese (Frontier) > Dominic Caruso (SJ) fall
120 Jesse Harrison (Frontier) > Derek Penman (SJ) decision 6-1
126 Rocco Russo (Frontier) > Angel Leon (SJ) fall
132 Travis Berube (SJ) > Josh Young (Frontier) fall
138 Pat Mang (SJ) > Joe Nowak (Frontier) fall
145 Richie Jones (SJ) > Raye Aponte (Frontier) decision 7-2
152 Patrick McDonnell (SJ) > Seth Jones (Frontier) fall
160 Liam Kearney (SJ) > Joe Mascio (Frontier) fall
170 Zack O'Connell (SJ) forfeit
182 Ronald Reese (Frontier) forfeit
195 Sean Cronin (SJ) > Mathew Flood (Frontier) fall
220 Nicholas Thomas (Frontier) forfeit
285 Adam Gibson (Frontier) > Mike Weilgas (SJ) fall
Cheektowaga 48, St. Joseph's 30
 99 Eric Bartnik (Cheektowaga) > Dominic Caruso (SJ) fall
106 Edwin Le (Cheektowaga) forfeit
120 Dylan Gallagher (Cheektowaga) > Derek Penman (SJ) decision 14-8
126 Angel Leon (SJ) > Jacob Weigand (Cheektowaga) decision 8-1
132 Renaldo Rodriguez-Spencer (Cheektowaga) > Travis Berube (SJ) decision 5-3
138 Pat Mang (SJ) > Kevin Ly (Cheektowaga) fall
145 Richie Jones (SJ) > Jerell Chappell-Rolling (Cheektowaga) fall
152 Miguel Rodriguez-Spencer (Cheektowaga) > Patrick McDonnell (SJ) fall
160 Liam Kearney (SJ) > Matthew Bartnik (Cheektowaga) decision 8-1
170 Zack O'Connell (SJ) forfeit
182 Joe Vazquez (Cheektowaga) forfeit
195 Sean Cronin (SJ) forfeit
220 Muhammad Hamideh (Cheektowaga) forfeit
285 John Loncher (Cheektowaga) > Mike Weilgas (SJ) fall

                      Round 1
Webster Thomas 58, St. Joseph's 15
 99 Chance Nadritch (WT) > Dominic Caruso (SJ) fall 5:54
113 Daniel Adamczuk (WT) forfeit
120 Nick Schuman (WT) > Derek Penman (SJ) major decision 10-2
126 T.J. Doyle (WT) > Angel Leon (SJ) decision 4-1
132 Travis Berube (SJ) > Mitchell Erbe (WT) fall 1:37
138 Dyllyn Salathiel (WT) > Pat Mang (SJ) decision 6-5
145 Richie Jones (SJ) > Mike Coffaro (WT) fall 1:40
152 Mike Labello (WT) > Patrick McDonnell (SJ) fall 1:41
160 Liam Kearney (SJ) > Ethan Testa (WT) decision 7-4
170 Mike Cook (WT) > Zack O'Connell (SJ) fall 1:06
182 Max Kowal (WT) forfeit
195 Conor McCabe (WT) > Sean Cronin (SJ) fall 1:08
220 Hayden Maltese (WT) forfeit
285 Joey Lanzafame (WT) > Mike Weilgas (SJ) fall 2:43
Palmyra-Macedon 54, West Seneca East 21
 99 [exhibition] Adam West (PM) > Josh Katashuk (WSE) fall 2:58
 99 Josh Katashuk (WSE) forfeit
113 Danny Graham (WSE) > Alec Ludolph (PM) decision 10-4
120 Jake Allen (PM) forfeit
126 Devin Soliday (PM) forfeit
132 Dylan Rifenberg (PM) forfeit
138 Taylor Jones (PM) > Pat Kloster (WSE) fall 3:22
145 Will Myglod (PM) > Matthew Schaumloeffel (WSE) decision 4-0
152 Dustin Jones (PM) > Nick Katashuk (WSE) fall 0:43
160 Cody Rogers (PM) > Devin Lindner (WSE) decision 4-0
170 Cody Bourgeois (PM) > Jordan Lechner (WSE) fall 1:06
182 Joseph Schaumloeffel (WSE) > John Chapman (PM) fall 2:54
195 Dylan Briley (WSE) > Todd Brockhuizen (PM) fall 0:54
220 Andy Paro (PM) > Jeff Cook (WSE) fall 1:59
285 Joe Candino (WSE) > Tyler Boardwell (PM) fall 1:21

                      Round 2
Webster Thomas 62, Frontier 14
 99 Chance Nadritch (WT) forfeit
113 Daniel Adamczuk (WT) > Kyle Genovese (Frontier) major decision 14-1
120 Rocco Russo (Frontier) > Nick Schuman (WT) technical fall 4:34 16-0
126 T.J. Doyle (WT) > Evan Johnston (Frontier) fall 2:34
132 Josh Young (Frontier) > Mitchell Erbe (WT) decision 10-4
138 Dyllyn Salathiel (WT) > Raye Aponte (Frontier) major decision 14-0
145 Mike Coffaro (WT) > Gabe Lopez (Frontier) fall 1:10
152 Mike Labello (WT) > Seth Jones (Frontier) fall 2:50
160 Ethan Testa (WT) > Joe Mascio (Frontier) fall 1:17
170 Mike Cook (WT) forfeit
182 Conor McCabe (WT) > Ronald Reese (Frontier) fall 1:33
195 Max Kowal (WT) > Mathew Flood (Frontier) fall 5:50
220 Hayden Maltese (WT) > Nicholas Thomas (Frontier) fall 4:43
285 Adam Gibson (Frontier) > Joey Lanzafame (WT) fall 2:57
West Seneca East 51, Lackawanna 30
 99 Josh Katashuk (WSE) > Omar Muflahi (Lackawanna) fall 1:45
106 Ali Shawish (Lackawanna) > Max Dorn (WSE) fall 3:59
113 Danny Graham (WSE) > Chris Nicholson (Lackawanna) fall 0:41
120 Majed Mohamed (Lackawanna) forfeit
132 Pat Kloster (WSE) > Mohamed Mohamed (Lackawanna) fall 3:48
138 John Bauer (WSE) > Yaseen Abdulla (Lackawanna) fall 3:28
145 Mohamed Sallih (Lackawanna) > Matthew Schaumloeffel (WSE) decision 15-9
152 Nick Katashuk (WSE) forfeit
160 Devin Lindner (WSE) forfeit
170 Jordan Lechner (WSE) > Mike Everett (Lackawanna) decision 6-2
182 Joseph Schaumloeffel (WSE) forfeit
195 Dylan Briley (WSE) forfeit
220 Larry Wright (Lackawanna) > Sam Khoury (WSE) fall 3:19
285 Omar Nasser (Lackawanna) > Joe Candino (WSE) decision 9-3
Palmyra-Macedon 41, Niagara Wheatfield 36
 99 Deion Harris (NW) forfeit
106 Shane Helbig (NW) > Chris Toomey (PM) decision 7-1
113 Alec Ludolph (PM) > Ryan Ploetz (NW) fall 0:30
120 Jake Allen (PM) > Robert Yates (NW) major decision 14-3
126 Marcus Popp (NW) > Devin Soliday (PM) fall 0:50
132 Dylan Rifenberg (PM) > Alec Venturin (NW) major decision 13-4
138 Taylor Jones (PM) > Ricky Schweickhard (NW) decision 3-0
145 Derrick Printup (NW) > Max Lloyd (PM) decision 5-4
152 Ben Lawrence (PM) > Michael Pope (NW) fall 1:50
160 Dustin Jones (PM) > Joe Yanulevich (NW) fall 1:05
170 Justin Rifenberg (PM) > Dan Ciccio (NW) fall 0:54
182 Cody Bourgeois (PM) forfeit
195 Brennan Ferguson (NW) > Hayden Skinner (PM) fall 1:21
220 Jake Kelly (NW) > Andy Paro (PM) fall 3:51
285 Tyler Bordwell (PM) forfeit

                      Round 3
Williamsville South 48, West Seneca East 21
 99 Matthew Genau (WS) > Josh Katashuk (WSE) fall 1:37
106 Anthony Cooper (WS) > Max Dorn (WSE) decision 7-5
113 Danny Graham (WSE) > Greg Yensan (WS) fall 1:19
126 Anthony Ferguson (WS) forfeit
132 John Bauer (WSE) > Alex Achenbach (WS) decision 7-3
138 Pat Kloster (WSE) > Cameron Pazderski (WS) fall 3:15
145 William Patrowski (WS) > Matthew Schaumloeffel (WSE) fall 4:52
152 Luke Falzone (WS) > Nick Katashuk (WSE) fall 2:18
160 Greg Digati (WS) > Devin Lindner (WSE) fall 4:26
182 Casey Nuchereno (WS) > Jordan Lechner (WSE) decision 8-4
195 Colby Durinka (WS) > Joseph Schaumloeffel (WSE) decision 6-4
220 Josh Jacobs (WS) > Dylan Briley (WSE) decision 12-9
285 Joe Candino (WSE) forfeit
Palmyra-Macedon 51, Lackawanna 31
 99 Omar Muflahi (Lackawanna) forfeit
106 Chris Toomey (PM) > Ali Shawish (Lackawanna) fall 3:00
113 Alec Ludolph (PM) forfeit
120 Majed Mohamed (Lackawanna) > Jake Allen (PM) fall 0:55
126 Basaam Harhara (Lackawanna) > Devin Soliday (PM) fall 3:04
132 Dylan Rifenberg (PM) > Hajai Ahmed (Lackawanna) fall 1:49
138 Taylor Jones (PM) > Fathil Abuhamra (Lackawanna) fall 0:34
145 Will Mryglod (PM) > Mohhamed Sallih (Lackawanna) decision 6-3
152 Ben Lawrence (PM) forfeit
160 Dustin Jones (PM) forfeit
170 Mike Everett (Lackawanna) > Cody Rogers (PM) fall 2:44
182 Cody Bourgeois (PM) forfeit
195 Todd Brockhuizen (PM) forfeit
220 Larry Wright (Lackawanna) > Andy Paro (PM) decision 5-1
285 Omar Nasser (Lackawanna) > Tyler Bordwell (PM) major decision 11-3

                      Round 4
Niagara Wheatfield 48, West Seneca East 35
 99 Deion Harris (NW) > Josh Katashuk (WSE) fall 3:44
106 Shane Helbig (NW) > Max Dorn (WSE) fall 0:30
113 Danny Graham (WSE) > Ryan Ploetz (NW) technical fall 3:30
120 Rob Gates (NW) forfeit
126 Marcus Popp (NW) forfeit
132 Alec Venturin (NW) > Pat Kloster (WSE) fall 4:28
138 John Bauer (WSE) > Brandon Brusino (NW) decision 6-0
145 Derrick Printup (NW) > Connor Palkowski (WSE) fall 3:43
152 Nick Katashuk (WSE) > Michael Pope (NW) fall 1:58
160 Devin Lindner (WSE) > Joe Yanulevich (NW) decision 6-3
170 Jordan Lechner (WSE) > Daniel Ciccio (NW) fall 1:02
182 Joseph Schaumloeffel (WSE) forfeit
195 Dylan Briley (WSE) > Brennan Ferguson (NW) fall 5:18
220 Max Antone (NW) forfeit
285 Jake Kelly (NW) forfeit
Williamsville South 42, Palmyra-Macedon 42
 99 Matthew Genau (WS) forfeit
106 Chris Toomey (PM) > Anthony Carducci (WS) fall 1:10
113 Alec Ludolph (PM) > Greg Yensan (WS) fall 2:00
120 Jake Allen (PM) forfeit
126 Anthony Ferguson (WS) > Devin Soliday (PM) fall 5:38
132 Dylan Rifenberg (PM) > Alex Achenbach (WS) fall 5:10
138 Taylor Jones (PM) > John Simonian (WS) fall 0:53
145 Max Lloyd (PM) > Khalim Evans (WS) fall 0:56
152 Luke Falzone (WS) > Dustin Jones (PM) decision 6-3
160 Greg Digati (WS) > Justin Rifenberg (PM) major decision 11-3
170 Anthony Liberatore (WS) forfeit
182 Casey Nuchereno (WS) > Cody Bourgeois (PM) fall 1:06
195 Colby Durinka (WS) > Todd Brockhuizen (PM) fall 0:27
220 Hayden Skinner (PM) forfeit
285 Josh Jacobs (WS) > Andy Paro (PM) fall 2:53
Webster Thomas 45, Cheektowaga 37
 99 Eric Bartnik (Cheektowaga) > Chance Nadritch (WT) decision 6-3
106 Edwin Le (Cheektowaga) forfeit
113 Scott Le (Cheektowaga) > Daniel Adamczuk (WT) fall 1:20
120 Dylan Gallagher (Cheektowaga) > Nick Schuman (WT) fall 1:10
126 T.J. Doyle (WT) > Jacob Weigand (Cheektowaga) decision 6-0
132 Renaldo Rodriguez-Spencer (Cheektowaga) forfeit
138 Dyllyn Salathiel (WT) > Kevin Ly (Cheektowaga) fall 3:41
145 Mike Coffaro (WT) > Jerell Chappell-Rolling (Cheektowaga) fall 1:18
152 Miguel Rodriguez-Spencer (Cheektowaga) > Mike Labello (WT) major decision 14-3
160 Ethan Testa (WT) > Tyler Ineson (Cheektowaga) fall 0:31
170 Mike Cook (WT) > Joe Vazquez (Cheektowaga) fall 0:18
182 Conor McCabe (WT) forfeit
195 Max Kowal (WT) forfeit
220 Hayden Maltese (WT) > Muhammad Hamideh (Cheektowaga) fall 0:53
285 John Loncher (Cheektowaga) > Joey Lanzafame (WT) fall 0:53
North Tonawanda 48, St. Joseph's 34
 99 Troy Keller (NT) > Dominic Caruso (SJ) fall
113 Bryce Drake (NT) forfeit
120 Mike Testa (NT) > Derek Penman (SJ) fall
126 Angel Leon (SJ) > Zack Licht (NT) fall
132 Travis Berube (SJ) > Adam Krause (NT) fall
138 Pat Mang (SJ) > Will Lizquckas (NT) fall
145 Richie Jones (SJ) > Harold Wagner (NT) fall
152 Patrick McDonnell (SJ) > Matt Candlena (NT) fall
160 Liam Kearney (SJ) > Ray Keller (NT) major decision 9-1
170 Joseph Fago (NT) > Zack O'Connell (SJ) fall
182 Brenon Perkins (NT) forfeit
195 Colin Bobick (NT) > Sean Cronin (SJ) fall
220 Mike Brauer (NT) forfeit
285 Ryan Osborn (NT) > Mike Weilgas (SJ) fall

                      Round 5
Williamsville South 43, Palmyra-Macedon 42
 99 Matthew Genau (WS) forfeit
106 Chris Toomey (PM) > Anthony Carducci (WS) fall 1:10
113 Alec Ludolph (PM) > Greg Yensan (WS) fall 5:39
120 Jake Allen (PM) forfeit
126 Anthony Ferguson (WS) > Deven Soliday (PM) fall 5:39
132 Dylan Rifenberg (PM) > Alex Achenbach (WS) fall 5:10
138 Taylor Jones (PM) > John Simonian (WS) fall 0:53
145 Max Lloyd (PM) > Khalim Evans (WS) fall 0:56
152 Luke Falzone (WS) > Dustin Jones (PM) decision 6-3
160 Greg Digati (WS) > Justin Rifenberg (PM) major decision 11-3
170 Anthony Liberatore (WS) forfeit
182 Casey Nuchereno (WS) > Cody Bourgeois (PM) fall 1:06
195 Colby Durinka (WS) > Todd Brockhuizen (PM) fall 0:27
220 Hayden Skinner (PM) forfeit
285 Josh Jacobs (WS) > Andy Paro (PM) fall 5:53
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