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WNY Wrestling

Clash at the Creek

Red Creek High School

Red Creek, New York
Dec 9, 2006



                                                                  Participating Teams
Altmar-Parish-Williamstown [NY] Auburn [NY] Cazenovia [NY] North Rose-Wolcott [NY] Oswego [NY] Penn Yan [NY] Port Byron [NY] Red Creek [NY] Sandy Creek [NY] Williamson [NY]
1. Sandy Creek (5-0)
2. Oswego (3-2)
3. North Rose-Wolcott (4-1)
4. Cazenovia (3-2)
5. Red Creek (4-1)
6. Williamson (2-3)
7. Penn Yan (2-3)
8. Auburn (1-4)
9. Altmar-Parish-Williamstown (1-4)
10. Port Byron (0-5)

                      Championship Final (1st)
Sandy Creek 41, Oswego 27
103 Derek Pfluger (SC) > Tammy Guzman (Oswego) fall 0:54
112 Anthony Todaro (Oswego) > Jacob Halsey (SC) decision 8-5
119 Kris Shirley (SC) > Kyle Rossi (Oswego) fall 0:59
125 Matt Hammond (Oswego) > Ashley Haskins (SC) fall 0:35
130 Scott Luberto (SC) > Ryan Blauvelt (Oswego) fall 1:16
135 Justin Manchester (SC) > Paul Ruggio (Oswego) major decision 14-0
140 Eric Haines (Oswego) > Jesse Warner (SC) fall 0:50
145 Tony Alelunas (Oswego) > Andy Blanding (SC) fall 2:25
152 Mark Mariano (SC) > Bobby Natoli (Oswego) decision 7-6
160 Jeremy Linn (Oswego) > Kevin Shirley (SC) fall 4:50
171 Kurt Prins (SC) > Kyle Bartrum (Oswego) fall 3:33
189 Zach Presley (SC) > Zach Zufelt (Oswego) major decision 10-2
215 Logan McNitt (SC) > Kevin Fox (Oswego) fall 0:32

                      Consolation Final (3rd)
North Rose-Wolcott 43, Cazenovia 25
103 Aaron Benedict (Cazenovia) > Sam Interlichia (NRW) technical fall
112 Will Wells (NRW) > Dylan Holgate (Cazenovia) technical fall
119 Alex Petroff (Cazenovia) > Cody Lockley (NRW) decision 4-0
125 Greg Shove (NRW) > Noah Shepard (Cazenovia) fall
130 Dustin Cole (NRW) > Eric Wells (Cazenovia) fall
135 Josh Bielemeier (NRW) > Adam Lockwood (Cazenovia) fall
140 Corey Youells (NRW) > Mike Britton (Cazenovia) fall
145 Mike Tellier (NRW) > Sam Taylor (Cazenovia) fall
152 John Neisner (NRW) > Joe Greacen (Cazenovia) decision 7-3
160 Josh Naylor (Cazenovia) > Bill Bowman (NRW) technical fall
171 Mike Norton (NRW) > Lee Namy (Cazenovia) technical fall
189 Mitch Berry (Cazenovia) > Josh Dumas (NRW) fall
215 Chris Popluhar (Cazenovia) forfeit

                      Consolation Final (5th)
Red Creek 45, Williamson 20
103 Phil Kommur (Williamson) forfeit
119 Josh Sabo (RC) forfeit
125 Jason Wiegert (RC) forfeit
130 Brad Hyman (Williamson) > Jordan Mullan (RC) fall
135 Brian Beswick (Williamson) > Eli Vitale (RC) major decision 16-5
140 Derek Teeter (RC) > Brett Cole (Williamson) fall
145 Rob Richards (RC) forfeit
152 Josh Misso (RC) > John Ankrom (Williamson) fall
160 Hallie Ankrom (Williamson) > Josh Keery (RC) major decision 12-4
171 Matt Stone (RC) > Chris Volpe (Williamson) decision 10-4
189 Steve Deferio (RC) forfeit
215 Joel Ford (RC) forfeit

                      Consolation Final (7th)
Penn Yan 48, Auburn 24

                      Consolation Final (9th)
Altmar-Parish-Williamstown 48, Port Byron 30
103 Matt St. Martin (PB) forfeit
112 Zach Ward (APW) forfeit
119 Eric Irwin (PB) > Mitch Britton (APW) fall
125 Christian Cobb (PB) > Steve Curry (APW) fall
130 Gary Moore (APW) forfeit
135 Jim Schroeder (PB) > Anthony Depaulo (APW) fall
140 Victor Kelley (APW) forfeit
145 Adam Goly (APW) forfeit
152 Bob Bush (APW) forfeit
160 Ethan Cobb (APW) forfeit
171 Aaron Ingersoll (APW) forfeit
189 Ryan Rayder (APW) forfeit
215 Jon Borden (PB) > Tony Dupont (APW) fall

                      Round 1
Oswego 54, Penn Yan 21
103 Tammy Guzman (Oswego) forfeit
112 Anthony Todaro (Oswego) > Miles Snyder (PY) fall 3:13
119 Paul Kerrick (PY) > Kyle Rossi (Oswego) fall 5:10
125 Matt Hammond (Oswego) forfeit
130 Ryan Blauvelt (Oswego) forfeit
135 Colin Phillips (PY) > Paul Ruggio (Oswego) decision 7-5
140 Eric Haines (Oswego) > Dustin Thompson (PY) fall 5:53
145 Tony Alelunas (Oswego) forfeit
152 Jeremy Linn (Oswego) > Justin Galusha (PY) fall 5:51
160 Bobby Natoli (Oswego) forfeit
171 Kyle Bartrum (Oswego) > Emory Pulver (PY) fall 1:00
189 D.T. Benedict (PY) > Zach Zufelt (Oswego) fall 1:55
215 Bobby Galusha (PY) > Kevin Fox (Oswego) fall 5:18
Sandy Creek 63, Williamson 9
Red Creek 37, Cazenovia 36
North Rose-Wolcott 65, Auburn 12

                      Round 2
Red Creek 42, Penn Yan 24
North Rose-Wolcott 62, Williamson 9
Oswego 57, Altmar-Parish-Williamstown 11
103 Tammy Guzman (Oswego) forfeit
112 Anthony Todaro (Oswego) forfeit
119 Kyle Rossi (Oswego) > Mitch Britton (APW) fall 0:41
125 Matt Hammond (Oswego) > Steve Curry (APW) fall 1:21
130 Ryan Blauvelt (Oswego) forfeit
135 Gary Moore (APW) > Paul Ruggio (Oswego) decision 12-6
140 Eric Haines (Oswego) > Victor Kelley (APW) fall 1:56
145 Tony Alelunas (Oswego) > Adam Goly (APW) fall 0:52
152 Bob Bush (APW) > Bobby Natoli (Oswego) decision 4-0
160 Jeremy Linn (Oswego) > Ethan Cobb (APW) fall 2:45
171 Aaron Ingersoll (APW) > Kyle Bartrum (Oswego) technical fall 4:40
189 Zach Zufelt (Oswego) > Ryan Rayder (APW) decision 7-5
215 Kevin Fox (Oswego) > Tony Dupont (APW) fall 4:59
Sandy Creek 66, Port Byron 12

                      Round 4
Cazenovia 57, Altmar-Parish-Williamstown 18
Auburn 42, Port Byron 27
Oswego 48, Red Creek 19
103 Tammy Guzman (Oswego) forfeit
112 Anthony Todaro (Oswego) forfeit
119 Kyle Rossi (Oswego) > Josh Sabo (RC) fall 0:40
125 Matt Hammond (Oswego) > Jason Wiegert (RC) decision 14-9
130 Ryan Blauvelt (Oswego) > Jordan Mullan (RC) fall 1:46
135 Eli Vitale (RC) > Paul Ruggio (Oswego) fall 1:00
140 Eric Haines (Oswego) > Derek Teeter (RC) fall 4:14
145 Tony Alelunas (Oswego) > Rob Richards (RC) major decision 20-11
152 Josh Misso (RC) > Bobby Natoli (Oswego) major decision 13-2
160 Jeremy Linn (Oswego) > Josh Keery (RC) technical fall 4:42
171 Matt Stone (RC) > Kyle Bartrum (Oswego) decision 8-5
189 Zach Zufelt (Oswego) > Steve Deferio (RC) fall 1:02
215 Joel Ford (RC) > Kevin Fox (Oswego) fall 1:17
Sandy Creek 33, North Rose-Wolcott 32

                      Round 5
Cazenovia 39, Oswego 24
103 Aaron Benedict (Cazenovia) > Tammy Guzman (Oswego) technical fall 5:48
112 Alex Petroff (Cazenovia) > Anthony Todaro (Oswego) fall 2:55
119 Kyle Rossi (Oswego) > Dylan Holgate (Cazenovia) fall 0:48
125 Noah Shepard (Cazenovia) > Matt Hammond (Oswego) major decision 15-5
130 Ryan Blauvelt (Oswego) > Eric Wells (Cazenovia) fall 2:36
135 Adam Lockwood (Cazenovia) > Paul Ruggio (Oswego) decision 3-0
140 Eric Haines (Oswego) > Mike Britton (Cazenovia) fall 0:19
145 Tony Alelunas (Oswego) > Sam Taylor (Cazenovia) major decision 17-6
152 Bobby Natoli (Oswego) > Joe Greacen (Cazenovia) major decision 14-3
160 Josh Naylor (Cazenovia) > Jeremy Linn (Oswego) fall 1:02
171 Lee Namy (Cazenovia) > Kyle Bartrum (Oswego) decision 12-7
189 Mitch Berry (Cazenovia) forfeit
215 Chris Popluhar (Cazenovia) > Kevin Fox (Oswego) fall 1:43
Sandy Creek 69, Auburn 6
Penn Yan 42, Altmar-Parish-Williamstown 18
Williamson 42, Port Byron 18
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