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Western New York Wrestling
WNY Wrestling

6th Annual Pal-Mac Varsity Wrestling Duals

Palmyra-Macedon High School

Palmyra, New York
Dec 2, 2017






                                                                  Participating Teams
Canandaigua [NY] Canisteo-Greenwood [NY] Hilton [NY] Lancaster [NY] Midlakes [NY] Palmyra-Macedon [NY] Pittsford [NY] Waterloo [NY] Webster Thomas [NY]
1. Webster Thomas (5-0)
2. Hilton (4-1)
3. Lancaster (4-1)
4. Canisteo-Greenwood (3-2)
5. Pittsford (2-3)
6. Canandaigua (1-4)
7. Palmyra-Macedon (1-4)
8. Midlakes (0-5)

                      Round ?
Webster Thomas 55, Palmyra-Macedon 29
Webster Thomas 64, Canandaigua 9
Webster Thomas 37, Hilton 35
 99 Rocco Camillaci (Hilton) > Chase Gottstein (WT) fall
106 Cole Nadritch (WT) > Alex Perez (Hilton) fall
113 Bryce Traver (WT) > Nathan Lee (Hilton) major decision 14-6
120 Greg Diakomihalis (Hilton) > C.J. Lee (WT) decision 11-5
126 Ryan Burgos (Hilton) > Mark Smithers (WT) fall 5:15
132 Ryan Hinman (Hilton) > Jason Urso (WT) fall
138 Max Allen (WT) > Nate Eccleston (Hilton) fall
145 Spencer Chaput (WT) > Mike Fronczak (Hilton) decision 11-5
152 Alexander Bowersox (WT) > Codey Bailey (Hilton) decision 6-0
160 John Colombo (WT) > Robert Oliveri (Hilton) fall
170 Ryan Inguaggiato (WT) > Jacob Brunette (Hilton) fall
182 Sam Deprez (Hilton) > Peter Fogle (WT) technical fall 21-5
195 Tom Foos (Hilton) forfeit
220 Nate Whybra (Hilton) > Sean Howlett (WT) decision 8-2
285 Anthony Oca (WT) > Collin Burns (Hilton) decision 6-1
Webster Thomas 38, Lancaster 25
Webster Thomas 61, Midlakes 15
Hilton 44, Canisteo-Greenwood 30
Hilton 52, Midlakes 16
Hilton 58, Palmyra-Macedon 21
Hilton 56, Pittsford 23
Lancaster 41, Canisteo-Greenwood 30
Lancaster 55, Canandaigua 25
Lancaster 55, Palmyra-Macedon 22
Lancaster 52, Pittsford 22
Canisteo-Greenwood 52, Midlakes 15
Canisteo-Greenwood 63, Canandaigua 23
Canisteo-Greenwood 43, Pittsford 18
Pittsford 42, Canandaigua 30
Pittsford 38, Midlakes 36
Canandaigua 48, Palmyra-Macedon 30
Palmyra-Macedon 46, Midlakes 31


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