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Western New York Wrestling
WNY Wrestling

5th Annual NYSPHSAA Section V D2 Dual Meet Wrestling Quarterfinals (3 v. 6)

Palmyra-Macedon High School

Palmyra, New York
Jan 10, 2023


Varsity - Winner advances to semifinals Jan 11 @ Pal-Mac


                                                                  Participating Teams
North Rose-Wolcott [NY] Palmyra-Macedon [NY]
1. Palmyra-Macedon (1-0)
2. North Rose-Wolcott (0-1)

                      Championship Quarterfinals
Palmyra-Macedon 51, North Rose-Wolcott 18
102 Declan Atkinson (PM) > Kashtyn Shaffer (NRW) fall
110 Layton McDonald (NRW) > Konnor Jeffery (PM) fall
118 Sam Bylor (NRW) forfeit
126 Zachary Rooks (PM) > Austin Warren (NRW) fall
132 Steven Schulz (PM) > Micah Deferio (NRW) technical fall 19-4
138 Cody Quick (PM) > Michael Kline (NRW) technical fall 18-3
145 Jacob Mair (PM) > Logan Caves (NRW) fall
152 Mateo Sloan (PM) > Ethan Carmer (NRW) technical fall 17-1
160 Gage Burgess (PM) > Teagan Lynn (NRW) major decision 15-1
172 Luke VanGorden (PM) > Allan Anthony (NRW) decision 6-2
189 Brett Rooks (PM) forfeit
215 Jared Haers (PM) forfeit
285 Noah Wazinski (NRW) > Luke Herendeen (PM) fall


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